
Antivirus 2009 Popup???

by Guest57488  |  earlier

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When ever I go on the internet Antivirus 2009 Popup always comes up. I didnt install it because i knew that it was a virus of some sort. But the popup keeps coming up. I did a scan with AVG free and it said no threat was found on the computer but then again it keeps coming up. Is there way for it to stop?




  1. Download and scan Use Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware

  2. try manual removal instructions

  3. Antivirus XP is an extremely dangerous program that will try to get you to purchase it in order to continue to infect your PC.  It's a difficult program to remove but if you follow these steps you shouldn't have a problem:

    1) Specific Virus Removal Guide:

    2) Generic Virus Removal Guide:

    -This is an intricate guide that will remove any and all infections you have on your computer.  Very indepth but effective.

    3) Fix After Effects Of Virus

    -Sometimes after removal things still don't work like they're supposed to.  Just run these guides and it'll fix the problems for you.

    That should take care of the problem for you.  Good luck and safe surfing.

  4. This one might help you as it help others. Just follow the procedure to remove Antivirus 2009.

  5. You are infected with a fake Antivirus 2009 program, or a Trojan which is associated with Antivirus 2009.

    Antivirus 2009 can do more harm that YOu see now. So i would advice going to my link, and reading a more detailed description about it.


  7. There is new spyware on the Internet that calls itself Antivirus 2009 (there is an older version called Antivirus 2008 as well). Both generate fake and misleading popup error messages so you are tricked into believe that your computer is infested with viruses and that you need to purchase a program to remove them. This spyware program hides on websites that offer free programs as well as downloads that are spread through file-sharing programs like Limewire.

    The first step to stop this is by being aware of what is going on. If you get a pop up when surfing the Internet that appears to be scanning your computer, try to close the browser window by clicking the red X on the top right corner. If the pop up windows gives you a YES/NO option or has any other form of message box with just an OK to click on, try to resist. The spyware program needs acknowledgement from the computer user before it can install itself, so any interaction from you can trigger an installation. Clicking the red X on top of any window often works. Another option is to click ALT+F4 repeatedly until all windows on your screen are closed.  

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