
Antivirus xp 08 HELP WONT GET OFF MY COMP!?

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This program embeded itself in my computer and wont go away. I am running the windows defender and it is scanning but a blue screen pops up with some white writing that says errors and then it automatically restarts my comp over and over again. Before that, it wouldnt even turn on. What do I do, I am desperate at this point... If I burn a free trial of an antivirus software from my desktop and load it onto my comp, will that work?? I still dont understand how this happened because I had malware sweeper on my comp... this blue screen with white writing has popped up before but not the antivirus xp 08 which is now along with it...




  1. Download an run the the following free software, delete what ever they find should leave your PC free of infections:




    Avast Anti-Virus:

    Once you have removed it keep Avast and download Comodo Pro firewall, then switch to Firefox 3 if you are browsing with IE this should stop it returning. (links on my profile)

  2. use manual removal instructions

  3. I suggest you use a comprehensive killing NOD

    Then clean up your registry repair documents can be resolved

    Please visit

    Can help you

    Good luck

  4. Antivirus XP is an extremely dangerous program that will try to get you to purchase it in order to continue to infect your PC.  It's a difficult program to remove but if you follow these steps you shouldn't have a problem:

    1) Specific Virus Removal Guide:

    2) Generic Virus Removal Guide:

    -This is an intricate guide that will remove any and all infections you have on your computer.  Very indepth but effective.

    3) Fix After Effects Of Virus

    -Sometimes after removal things still don't work like they're supposed to.  Just run these guides and it'll fix the problems for you.

    That should take care of the problem for you.  Good luck and safe surfing.

  5. I just spent 5 hours of my evening getting rid of this thing myself,  and after finding a couple of different websites and coming up with a few ideas, this is what i came up with and so far it seems to have worked.

    First you need to restart your computer in safemode.  To do this, Restart your computer

    After hearing your computer beep once in start up, but before the Windows icon appears, press F8.(IF you don't hear it beep, at least try to press F8 until you do get to safe mode)

    Instead of Windows opening as normal, a menu should appear

    Select the first option, to run Windows in Safe Mode

    Login using administrator priveleges.

    When your computer has started in Safe Mode, and you see the desktop, click on Start, then Run

    Then in the open field type C:\Program Files\ and press ok

    Looke through the list of folders and delete the unusual file that is associated with the Antivirus XP 2008 (it was a wierd file name but I associated it with the program earlier when i ran my mouse across the file before i started this process)

    Then i went to control panel and deleted it from there.

    Then go back to Start and Run, print   msconfig

    go to startup tab and uncheck the file you deleted and another similar one with it.  this will stop the pop up for this thing at start up. then hit ok.

    This will ask you to restart.  Do this, then after it does so, it will have a prompt for system configuration, hit ok, then it will restart again.

    After this the only thing left was the icons(shortcuts), i deleted them from my desktop and my start page.

    restarted it again and it was gone.

    the only problem left to tackle for me was not having a screensaver or background.  I went to  , go to "tweaks" and run #177 (restore the web tab-display properties).

    GOOD LUCK, and I'm sorry i couldnt give you the file names but you should be able to figure out what atleast one of them are before you start this process, and the others are similar.  In my research on the internet before i got started, i found some, but they weren't what i had.

    this program sure is a litte treasure of h**l.

  6. Automated Removal Instructions for Antivirus 2008 using Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:

    1. Print out these instructions as we will need to close every window that is open later in the fix.

    2. Download Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, or MBAM, from the following location and save it to your desktop:

    Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Download Link

    3. Once downloaded, close all programs and Windows on your computer, including this one.

    4. Double-click on the icon on your desktop named Download_mbam-setup.exe. This will start the installation of MBAM onto your computer.

    5. When the installation begins, keep following the prompts in order to continue with the installation process. Do not make any changes to default settings and when the program has finished installing, make sure you leave both the Update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware and Launch Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware checked. Then click on the Finish button.

    6. MBAM will now automatically start and you will see a message stating that you should update the program before performing a scan. As MBAM will automatically update itself after the install, you can press the OK button to close that box and you will now be at the main program as shown below.

    7. On the Scanner tab, make sure the the Perform quick scan option is selected and then click on the Scan button to start scanning your computer for Antivirus 2008 related files.

    8. MBAM will now start scanning your computer for malware. This process can take quite a while, so we suggest you go and do something else and periodically check on the status of the scan. When MBAM is scanning it will look like the image below.

    9. When the scan is finished a message box saying the scan has finished will come up.

    10. You should click on the OK button to close the message box and continue with the Antivirus2008 removal process.

    11. You will now be back at the main Scanner screen. At this point you should click on the Show Results button.

    12. A screen displaying all the malware that the program found will be shown. You should now click on the Remove Selected button to remove all the listed malware. MBAM will now delete all of the files and registry keys and add them to the programs quarantine.

    12. When MBAM has finished removing the malware, it will open the scan log and display it in Notepad. Review the log as desired, and then close the Notepad window.

    13. You can now exit the MBAM program.

    Your computer should now be free of the Antivirus2008 program. If your current anti-virus solution let this infection through, you may want to consider purchasing the PRO version of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future.

    this link is for the downloads and is the original page!

    hope this helps!

  7. when your done listening to the answers posted here only to find out that not a one is gonna work , email me and i'll give you the tool that does remove this ..

  8. Download the free version of Superantispyware.

    Finds viruses and spyware without any conflict to your own antivirus.

    Update and run and in depth scan.  Free you must update daily on a manual basis or purchase and get auto. updates.

    Mind Doctor, France.

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