
Ants! Eww!?

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I'm not sure why they're coming in here or where they're coming from. There's not a disgusting lot, but there's enough. My room isn't horrible, with a pack of starburst and a dirty dish once in a while, and it's no messier than usual.

I want to fix the problem, especially before it gets worse!




  1. Use a mix of cinnamon and sugar. The ants will pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her.  You don't have to know where they are coming from. They will come to the "poison".

  2. I hear ants go after water more than food, when they invade.

    I recommend you get one of those big strips of sticky glue next to the ant trail, and stick a bunch of bullfrogs there... let them go to town.

  3. When an ant colony can't be located, use a poison bait. The toxicant is passed throughout the colony, killing the queen and all worker ants.

    Good luck!

  4. there is an all natural easy remedy to get rid of ants and bugs in your house:

    you will need:

    1.) CINNAMON


    sprinkle cinnamon and fennel all along the doorways, walkways and entry-ways into your house.

    why?  ants and fleas  HATE IT! the spicyness of these seasonings choke them, and repel can keep your pets free of fleas and ticks by sprinkling fennel on their beds and cages too.

    try it out....

  5. if you live in a house spray bugspray around the perimeter because chances are its not just your room and this always works for me

  6. lure them out!

  7. Go to the hardware store.  There, ask for a liquid ant killer - comes in a small bottle.  I think it's made by Raid, but I"m not sure.  I don't have the name of it.  Sorry.

    You put this stuff down - a drop or two in a corner on a hard surface.  The ants are attracted, and carry it back to the nest. They more or less cover themselves in it and go back home.  Once they do, it wipes out the bunch of them.

    I would be careful around areas where pets might find it.  If they like sweet stuff they might give it a l**k and get into trouble as a result.


  8. eat them

  9. Lemon or Orange Oil will send them away. They hate it and run. Use the Furniture polish kind and use the rest to polish your furniture with. Also, termites hate it too!

  10. look for holes in the rooms foundation, and tiny spaces bugs can get through, and then get some sealent(found at dollar stores) and seal it up

  11. Put ant powder around your windows and doors and make sure you keep your room food free!
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