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we got ants around are sink and we are going away for a week but want to know of ways now that i can help try to start and get rid of them with out any harmful sprays i know can use chalk helps but i am trying to find out other ways to we leave cause once we leave i am going to spray so don't get tons when we are gone. thanks so much.




  1. Try this site:

    Select the tab for pests, then pick your pest.

    You don't have to use pesticides.

    I have a brick house & put ant block granuels from Wal-Mart to put across the threshholds.  Brick houses have weeping holes at the base of the walls so I put a bay leaf in each hole.  Haven't seen an ant in 2 months.

  2. Use a mix of cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle it here and there. The ants will come and pick up the sugar, along with the cinnamon, and take it back to their queen. Ants can’t digest cinnamon and once the queen dies from not being able to digest the cinnamon the colony will die without her.

  3. First of all, mixing cinnamon and sugar will not get rid of ants. Ants can not swallow cinnamon. It just doesn't work. Kim G has been spreading that rumor for a long time.

    Second - there are no home-remedies that will ensure you have an ant-free home, period. Chalk can help keep them off a certain area, but they'll just go around it.

    You're going to need to use science... not magic. Hire a professional who will use the least-toxic products available while still being effective.

    By the way - boric acid IS a poison and IS toxic.

  4. Sounds like you just answered your own question........just gas them while your are gone..........and that's a great plan in it self...........a lot of people don't have that gas em baby..........see ya when you get back........and don't itch any longer:)
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