
Anxeity help please anyone.

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Well i was wondering is im haveing anxiety attacks.Well first off,i wake up and i never feel like myself.At night I cant even go to sleep,Im worried about will I stop breathing and will I wake up to see the next day or will I die in my dream's.Sometime's I dont even know if im my self and I have to ask my self who I very shy at times were all I do is put my head down.Sometimes I get real nevervous for stupid reasons and i cant breathe and my heart starts to race really fast,and I have to take a brake.I sweat only sometimes and in certain spots.I cry sometimes because I dont knwo who I am and sometimes I think about the past,and it feels like all the bad things are going to come back.And even when im bout to call someone I feel like im going to throwup because of nervousness,and i tend to forget things easy and it feels like time is going by at times i tend to think VERY NEGATIVE.




  1. It sounds like you have anxiety/panic disorder. I had the same thing and I couldn't even think straight. So I finally went to the psychiatrist and he has me on paroxetine 60 mgs per day, 2.5 mgs of clonazepam per day, and 3 mgs of Risperdal per day and my problems have really went away a lot. Now I can think straight, I don't get too nervous, I can be myself again. So if I were you, I'd schedule an appointment with a psychiatrist and get on some meds similar to what I'm taking, or exactly what I'm taking because they work for me.

  2. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    I have just posted a new entry and uploaded some good files for you to do some relaxation.

    All the best,


  3. Yes, that is an anxiety attack

    I used to walk by a mirror and freak out thinking - Oh my god that what i look like? it was a very out of body experience thing going on, and it freaked me right out.  I don't have panic attacks but i have anxiety episodes as I call them which are continous.  

    But at hte beginning of the summer I went to the doctor, believe me i was soo scared, i cried the whole way there the whole time i was there, but i got some medication and now seriously, i am happier than i have been in 5 years.  I can't believe it.  I really hope that you get help and find therapy or medication... it seriously is worth the scary doctor experience! good luck!

  4. Maybe you're just don't fitting it with this world. That's how I feel. It's not that you have any problems or anything, the world is just not ready for you. So just stay home and relax or try to hitch a ride to a different planet, hopefully a better one.

  5. I used to have terrible separation anxiety.. and I still do. Attempt distractions- such as relaxing in a warm lavender scented bath, or find a thrilling novel to read. Also attempt to live as if nothing happened. Go to the movies, have a party, have a sleepover, anything fun to get your mind off of this. eat when your are hungry, and for now.. you can eat whatever you want ( within reason), like if you want chips- eat chips... if you just want cereal for dinner-- then do it :) I hope you get better, llok to friends and family for help

  6. i believe that you only have anxiety attacks when you haven't faced the real world and all it's glory, because it can in fact be a horrible place. but if you have faced it, {like me} you learn to enjoy every minute that doesn't have to be sad or involved with a death. so, if you haven't faced it, you need to grow up and have a heart for the people who actually have horrible things happen to them, but are strong and make through it, i honestly have no simpathy for someone like you, because you are just a wimp, and are so afraid of life, that they have classified it and gave you some pills. best of luck :)

  7. yes you are having symptoms of anxiety. you should see you dr. and explain these symptoms to them. there are many safe non addicting medicines to take to aleve these symptoms.ALOT of people have them and take something for them, you may not thinks so,but they do.dont be embarrassed

  8. You need to see a therapist and perhaps for awhile be on medication for help with the anxiety. Through therapy you will be able to get to the root of what triggers off a attack and work out unresolved past memories that may still be effecting your present.

  9. from the story you tell it sure sounds to me like panic attacks same thing.i experience time;s of worry i panic,if i do something wrong i feel jiggly inside very nervous.i do see a doctor for it.seems like certain things set it off.worry and sounds to me like you are  having anxeity attacks you should see a doctor ? the med's i take work well.espcially at night.i am able to sleep with out mean bad dreams.good luck and please do see a doctor.  

  10. that's exactly what an anxiety attack is.

    I get them all the time and I hate it.

    Talk to your doctor and they'll give you something for it.

  11. Welcome to living.

    Sometimes, your natural responses are misdirected and you end up looking inward too much.

    You are aware of your own existence, conversely this makes you aware of how fragile that existence is.

    It would take an enormous effort for you NOT to breath. This is probably THE strongest human urge after birth. After a few years, the system controlling your breathing is the most established pathway in your brain. You won't be able to stop breathing.

    Try holding your breath AFTER breathing out first. Time yourself to see how long it is before your body protects you - and breathes in.

    Everybody gets nervous. As your question Identifies anxiety, you need to appreciate WHO you are. Everybody has times when they can't identify exactly who they are or what they want, or want to be.

    Get out of your head and into a team of some sort. Acting classes, or amateur dramatics can be great.

    Shy folk make GREAT actors, they are usually more aware of other people and have spent years observing tiny details most people miss. It's a great skill to be able to predict why someone will step aside from someone they like, just because they don't want anyone to know that fact - including the person of interest!

    You could also help sort in charity organisations, such as for Burma / Myanmar or China' recent earthquake.

    As for feeling like you will throw up if you call someone, just be certain that even if you do, the other person probably won't hear if you cover the mouthpiece with your hand.

    Think of the person at the other end of the phone as being a long lost friend of someone you care for - they would be delighted to hear from you. Smile when you call. Stand up (at first). Call at odd minutes past the hour - and stick to it.

    As far as the past goes, it is much bigger than you. It is not who you are NOW, and you can't alter it.

    Just try to improve everyday and leave the past to history.

    Hope that helps.

  12. One of the commonly prescribed anti depressants also helps with anxiety.  See your doctor,  I went to my doctor because of a problem with arthritis and after discussing other concerns I was having I was given this med for depression.  Oh my goodness it has helped soooo much and I had no idea how terrified I was until the med took that feeling away.  I feel 1000 times better, I am grateful for the arthritis which prompted this visit to the doctor.  When I went back for my recheck I said it has helped me so much it has even helped me to breathe.  

  13. Go to your family doctor. Let your dr know about this- bring a list of symptoms with you, so you don't forget. It definitely sounds like anxiety. Most anxiety problems can be treated. Don't keep putting yourself through this when you can easily go to a doctor and feel better.

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