Is this something that others have experienced? I have a history of what psychiatric doctors have called OCD, GAD (Generalised Anxiety Disorder), Panic Attacks and last year Bi-Polar disorder. I manage pretty well day to day, living a normal life with my husband and daughter, but then I get these phases where nothing seems real. I end up imagining things that didnt happen but then become so afraid of them that its like its all a blur and then I cant remember whether or not some or all of it is real. It is destroying my life. I cannot get reassurance during these times because no one except me would know the truth anyway.
I get moments of clarity when my obsessing and worrying over specific possible past events seems ridiculous, but then the feeling of fear sweeps over my body, I panic and Im not sure anymore. These worries can just come into my head from no where it seems and past events become destorted and terrifying until I cant remember the truth any more.
I have had lots of therapy before and it helps for a bit. I have been back to my doctor and he is referring me again, but my anxiety fears stop me from going in the end as I worry about losing my family or something.
My friends know nothing of this and to be honest think Im a together normal girl, but inside Im dying. What is causing this imagination thing, can anyone explain it to me? Has anyone else had it?