
Anxiety Disorder?? Please please help me?

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Is this something that others have experienced? I have a history of what psychiatric doctors have called OCD, GAD (Generalised Anxiety Disorder), Panic Attacks and last year Bi-Polar disorder. I manage pretty well day to day, living a normal life with my husband and daughter, but then I get these phases where nothing seems real. I end up imagining things that didnt happen but then become so afraid of them that its like its all a blur and then I cant remember whether or not some or all of it is real. It is destroying my life. I cannot get reassurance during these times because no one except me would know the truth anyway.

I get moments of clarity when my obsessing and worrying over specific possible past events seems ridiculous, but then the feeling of fear sweeps over my body, I panic and Im not sure anymore. These worries can just come into my head from no where it seems and past events become destorted and terrifying until I cant remember the truth any more.

I have had lots of therapy before and it helps for a bit. I have been back to my doctor and he is referring me again, but my anxiety fears stop me from going in the end as I worry about losing my family or something.

My friends know nothing of this and to be honest think Im a together normal girl, but inside Im dying. What is causing this imagination thing, can anyone explain it to me? Has anyone else had it?




  1. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    There are free tips and free items on relaxation and such for you to download!

    All the best,


  2. I have a history of panic attacks and I do know that valium works for the panic, but for the bi-polar I think they use drugs like geodon,lithium and i can't remember the others. I kept making myself have panic attacks until they didn't scare me any more.  most of my panic came just of the thought of having a panic attack. If that makes any sense.

  3. yes I'm 49 years old and have had those types of feelings since i was a teenager   ive been on a lot of different meds. therapy and seen alot of doctors unfortunately nothing seems to work forever some help for a while some not at all now i have been married for28 years and she went and learded all about it so she is able to help me tremendously i still see a doctor once a month and I'm on meds. but there are still times i cant come out of my room for a couple of days but my wife keeps talking to me my life has never been normal and never will be i just keep trying even though i still don't understand these feelings i am sever bi-polar and depression i don't know how old you are but just keep on trying i know at times it seems impossible have your husband learn more about it and remember you have to keep going for your daughter she will always need her mom it does seem to get easier as you get older good luck and god bless  

  4. I have GAD myself, and have recently made a lot of progress with it. I've had times where I doubt the meaning of reality and stuff like that, but I haven't experienced quite what you have experienced. The best thing you can do is go back to your therapist and BE HONEST with him/her about what you're experiencing. Ask questions. Are you currently on medication? Perhaps that needs to be adjusted. Do your periods of panic and imagining occur on a "schedule" (meaning do you have periods similar to this every few years, months, etc.)? Has anything particularly traumatic occurred in your past? If it has, then could there be things you've experienced relating to a traumatic event that could be triggering your panic?

    Please don't be afraid to go get help with this problem - I was afraid to go to a therapist for a while, too, and putting it off honestly just made it worse.

    Please go and get the help of a psychologist/therapist/psychiatrist. Get an opinion from more than one therapist. In my opinion (which, mind, is not a professional one), you seem to have had a lot of different diagnoses in the past. Once you're able to target specifically what your problem is, the sooner you can work towards managing it.

    I wish you well, darling. It'll get better. :)

  5. I get this alot!!!!!! I usually get it when i'm going to sleep at night when i have nothing to do but think. My doctors think that it is the economy making me this way. Do you have alot going on with you right now? Bills, work, kids etc??? Well my doctor prescrbied xanax which i hardly take, even though it works! i'm not big on any meds. I drink chammomile tea at night before i go to bed and it seems to have a calming affect on me. Matter fact this is perfect for anxiety and its natural. Try working out, for some reason when i constantly work out for at least 30 min a day, this keeps me from having anxiety attacks.  Have you tried xanax? Are you over weight? i'm not being funny but seriously they say if you loose a few pounds it helps to take this away. I hope you feel better soon

  6. Step 1: Ensure your emotion is controlled daily. Don't over reacted, stay calm and don't get worry easily

    Step 2: Think before your action. Don't repeat her past experience on herself. Remind herself from time to time.

    Step 3: Be confident to yourselves. Remember everyone is the winner. "Only One sperms out of millions fertilize an egg"

    Step 4: Get a group of close friends to share your experience and get some activities that would occupied your time

    Step 5: Increase scope of life. Meaning that she should involve in more social activities like dancing, outing and others.

    Step 6: Put a rubberband on the wrist. If there is a negative thought, Tighten the rubber band and release it. Hence the effect of the pain would be able to reduce the possibility of negative thought.

    Good Luck.

    You may read more articles of mine through

    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

    Good Luck.

    You may read more articles of mine through

    Besides, If you have more psychological problem, please write to me at

  7. My mother had Panic attacks. She went through a similar thing as you. She would feel as if the things that were happening while she had these attacks were real but really weren't. She felt lonely and as if she would lose her family. When she went to therapy they just gave her pills...which would make her drowsy and just sleep most of the time. In the beginning her friends didn't know and saw her the same. Once she opened up to her friends she felt good about it. They supported her. Along with us her family she got better. Her panic attacks lessened. She felt herself again and was happy =D. She didn't even have to rely on the anxiety pills to calm her down. But of course you still get those ones every once in awhile. I dunno if this will help but I wish you good luck on challenging this.

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