
Anxiety HELP!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok well i was on 1mg of klonopin at night, but i switched doctors and he doesn't want to give them back to me until he tries other things (the last thing he gave me was hydroxyzine 50mg and they made me feel dizzy and very drowsy in a bad way). Klonopins are the only thing that i've tried so far that work and im so anxious at night and its hard to sleep with out them. what else should i tell him or should i just wait and let him do his job? lol thanks in advance for the people who took the time out to help. :-]]




  1. I dealt with anxiety for years until I learned it stemmed from caffeine or not breathing properly.  Panic attacks happen when you without thinking hold your breath or breath incorrectly.  Let's say you were being held under water for over a minute - you'd panic right?  Well, same thing the mind goes through when you breath shallow or from the top of your lungs too much instead of deep from your belly.  I know it sounds too simple but it cured me...Check into it!  Hope you feel better soon! IT's an awful sensation!

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