
Anxiety Medicated?

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I have pretty bad anxiety, and i was getting tired of relying on lorazepam to save me from being anxious all the time. so i stopped taking them for a day and WALAH! i had MAJOR anxiety and eventually forced myself to take one even though i try not to rely on them.. its like i HAVE to take them or ill get bad anxiety although i dont even want to take them....any one else experience this with anxiety medication?




  1. It's better to taper yourself off of them, then to just stop taking them completely. That's the way to go if you really want to be off this medication. Also, get yourself some therapy to help you deal with the anxiety.

  2. Try weaning yourself off of them slowly instead of a whole pill take half and less often. Try to replace that with some other activity. Perhaps a work out, jog or some other physical thing that might help. Sometime I think it's just a matter of burning off steam.

  3. Yes.  It is a good medicine for anxiety.  I've taken it for years without harm.  No one likes to stay on meds, but if it keeps you even, it's a great benefit.  Accept it and stay well.

    Do not 'skip around' with medication.  Take it regularly as prescribed.  For me, the med is better than those terrible anxiety attacks.  I have never had any side effects with Lorezpam, and it sure does help.
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