
Anxiety? Need input?

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I've had a lot going on this year...and I don't talk to anyone about it cuz I have major trust problems now. I had the start of anorexia but took care of it. Everyone used to b very worried bout me but now I can hide how upset and broken I am very well, but sometimes my acting makes it feel real for a bit.. During the school year I feel sick a lot at night and my head feels like it's spinning and I feel very lonley. And cry a lot. And often get nervous/jittery. Sometimes out of the blue I cry.. What's going on? I want to b happy again




  1. For some reason sometimes i feel sick when I goto bed on a school night as well.  I think it's normal to be nervous about school sometimes.

  2. I'm sorry to hear that you are going through such a horrible time.  Life is tough no matter what stage you are in.  The trials and tribulations are just different.  

    I would recommend that you go speak to your Dr.. You do not have to share what is troubling you just that you are troubled by what is going on in your life and that you are experiencing some anxiety.  There are very good low dose medications on the market that can help you feel better with minimal or no side effects.

    I hope that this helps.

  3. Well, I can't tell how old you are by this post, but I'm assuming you are somewhat young to not have anybody to talk to. I'm in college now, but when I was in high school I felt like you do, and I felt like I had nobody to talk to including my parents, so I just handled things on my own. It's ok to a certain extent, but you really do need to get help from a professional. I know it sounds like it's out of the question. It's normal to think that's a scary idea to talk to a stranger about your feelings. I promise that after you DO talk to a psychologist or psychaitrist you will wonder why you didn't go talk to them before. I don't know you other than this post, but I'm assuming you have some kind of depression. You can be prescribed an antidepressant which will also help you feel like yourself again. It's so worth it to get help.. you will forget what it's like to be sad. I think the first step for you is telling someone how you feel. Let go of your trust issues just for that. Tell your parents or someone close to you and tell them you want help. Good luck :)

  4. Find a counselor.

  5. It sounds like you might have depression...or you are just going through a rough time.

    From what you wrote, it would be a good idea to visit your doc and see what he/she has to say.

    Good Luck! things will get better :)

  6. You have to see someone, you really do. Your life is way too short to live it feeling crappy. And you say that you have trust issues, but there must be someone that you can talk to? I'm so sorry that you have to feel so bad, but you CAN feel better. If you could conquer anorexia, you can do this too. Good luck xo

  7. I've had anxiety for about a year. Then it turned into full blown panic attacks followed by derealization (a common byproduct of panic attacks.) It's not fun and definitely hard to explain to others. Anxiety alone makes you feel extremely self-conscious so people with anxiety tend to keep it to themselves out of fear someone will think their weird or mentally unsound.

    Many many many people suffer from this and there is help. You can go to therapy or there are prescriptions such as xanax that help. I prefer to go the non-medicated route. Maintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly and take vitamin supplements. Good luck with everything and remember you arent alone!

  8. We humans are social beings and need to have interaction with others to keep our perspective of ourselves based on common reality, and not fantasy. Our emotions crave recognition, and when we bottle them up, they become distorted and begin to actually work against ourselves in order to obtain expression. So come crying jags and other emotional expressions that are not in keeping with practical reality. Depending on your age, hormonal changes can also be an influence on your emotional sensitivity.

    There can also be some physical causes, such as dehydration, lack of sufficient exercise, and unbalanced diet.

    If you can find yourself a competent guidance counselor, they could be a big help in pointing you to resources that can help you to "b happy again."

  9. I used to feel like that a lot.  It's probably a chemical imbalance that many people in the world have and don't do anything about it.  If you can't afford to talk to a doctor and get put on some mood stablilizer medication, or if the idea just kind of freaks you out, like it did for me, you can get these over the counter pills by St. John's Wort, and they work really good, and they are specifically for mood inhancing.  What's great is you know, they are natural.  I believe they have different ones, but the ones I use are called "Mood Enhancer".  They are like 6 bucks a bottle, so you really don't have much to lose if you don't like them. I really think you oughtta give them a try. Good luck!

  10. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    There are free tips and free items on relaxation and such for you to download!

    All the best,


  11. anxiety is all in your head,  but it would probably help to talk about how you feel with friends and family rather than hiding it. if this doesnt work for you then maybe you need to talk to a therapist. it might help. i hope everything works out for you.

  12. i have one word for you: RELAX! stress is probably what is causing all this. honestly, what you need to do is talk to your family and friends about this crying is good, i wish i cried more because its a good way to just let your emotions out. seriously i havent cried in like 4 years and i wish i could change that because all the time i feel like im going to explode. theres absolutely nothing wrong with you. talk to someone you trust and they will listen.  once you do you will most likely feel better.

  13. I struggle w/ the same thing girl!

    I would just say to read books and do things to cheer yourself up!

    Eat more. Eat healthy and don't limit yourself anymore..

    Get out and enjoy nature, it's the easiest way to get in touch w/ the Gods and the easiest way to find yourself.

    Spend more time around people who make you feel good and listen to music that you love.

    Set some goals and work towards them and focus on them!

    and get help if you feel nothing is working because therapy and counciling can help and it's nothing to be ashamed of!


  14. next time you go to the doctor you should tell them about it. you may be suffering from some type of depression. you definitly need help though if you ar still suffeirng from aneorexia.

    i was really depressed too a few months ago and i started going to church. the atmosphere is so positive there and it gets your mind off the other things in the world for a bit. i would recommend both. :)

  15. I know what your going through, and I found it easier, if I just told myself, told my self out loud, to relax. Just say it outloud-in your

    It really calmed me down a bit, and helped.

    I also laid down with my cat and took a little nap, and I felt even more secure.

    Give this a try, I'm possitive it will help.

    Good luck to ya!

  16. Have you thought about a shrink?

  17. You need to share your emotions, but only to people you feel comfortable talking to. After that you just need to block it out, make new friends, have fun, talk to people!

  18. You describe classic depression, which is very treatable.  You probably have a chemical disorder.  These types of disorders can be temporary, or permanent.  Regardless, there is a two-fold approach to treating depression.

    Drug therapy involves balancing the chemicals in your brain, particularly seratonin.  These drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor  Your family doctor can help, and he will be discrete (won't tell your parents).

    Talk therapy involves speaking with a professional counselor to identify problem areas in your life, and help you with specific way to deal with those problems.

    It's important that you get help.  The depression won't get better without help.  Try starting with you school counselor.  

  19. Sounds alot like depression hun, u shouldn't be dealing w/that on your own, u need to get help for that.Don't just overlook it at all, u should go to your doctor and get help for that.GL 2 u hun!
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