
Anxiety causing balance problems???

by  |  earlier

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Iam dizzy and off balance alot, but can stand one foot and walk a straight line. Family says it from anxiety. Also objects look to be leaning a little bit. I do have anxiety so can anxiety do this? When iam sitting her now i feel like iam leaning to the left. If i had someting wrong with my brain woundnt i always be off balance and not just sometime? Other symtoms are nausea, silver little spots in my vision when iam out side, and panic attacks. Thanks you.




  1. It might be an idea to have your Doc check your ears - you could have an ear infection and not know it. I was like you some years ago - yes I had anxiety but I also had a middle ear infection which was causing the balance, nausea & visual problems. (and probably encouraged the panic attacks also). Best wishes. UK

  2. Check out this site:

    It provides a natural lifetime solution for eliminating anxiety disorder.

    Hope this helps...  

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