
Anxiety during sleepovers?

by Guest57623  |  earlier

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About 3 years ago, I've been afraid of sleepovers, whether at my house or someone elses. I get panic attacks, and get this feeling like I don't know where I am. Its really weird. So my 2 friends are spending the night tomorrow [they are sisters] and I am REALLY worried. It's all I've thought about today, and I'm asking my mom if we can cancel, and she won't let me because I've cancelled sleepovers with these girls before. Also, they get kinda mad if I want to go to bed 11. They make me stay up unitl like 2. I get more panic attacks before they come, then when they are actually here..

Please help. Any ideas? I have no idea what I'm scared about.

Thanks in advance.

Oh & Im 15 years old...




  1. You don't have anything to worry about. Just tell yourself that these girls are your friends and just have fun like you would if it wasn't a sleepover. Don't worry about the panic attacks because that will probably make it worse. Just take a few deep breaths and relax. When you're starting to get really tired, suggest that you watch a movie. That way, you don't have to stay up until 2 if you don't want to and you can just fall asleep.  

  2. It's just because your nervous, but once there get there and u start having fun you will notice it dissapearing

  3. I used to get homesick at sleepovers and it was terrible. The solution seems to me to be just don't have sleepovers. They are not necessary anyway. A friend I used to work with would not allow her kids to go to sleepovers. She said any playing or talking could be done before bedtime anyway and she wanted her kids home in their own beds at night. I like her reasoning.  

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