
Anxiety in quiet classrooms.?

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whenever im in a classroom full of people, and its dead silent bec we're taking a texs, i start panicking to the point that i cant concentrate and do well on the test like i should. any advice?




  1. That sometimes happens to me, too, and it is such a big distraction! To get rid of it, I just think of a song I like, and lip-sync to it, maybe moving a little to the rhythm. That or I just breathe in and out slowly, thinking of myself being in a happy place.

  2. fake an injury so you can get some REAL pain killers from the pharmacy...pop 2 or 3 of those bad boys and you will be cool for hours.....

  3. chew gum, no joke

    and your a wierdo for getting an anxiety attack in a silent classroom

  4. got the same problem. and it makes my stomach rumble loudly.

  5. I know what you mean I have the same problem. What I do is I take breathes and try to relax. Put an image in your ming that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable. This should help you to concentrate and relieve the anxiety.

  6. i used to start panicking like that too i learn on my own just to take some deep breaths and let them out slowly. this would calm me down and slow the heart rate, good luck i hope it works for you too.

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