
Anxiety question ?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?

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I'm 15 and i suffer from Generalized Anxiety disorder. I'm going back to school in about 2 weeks and i am seriously dreading it. I dread going to assemblies and talking aloud in front of people and things like that. I get all sweaty and my face goes all red and i think everybody is looking at me. My neck even starts twitching sometimes.

Iv been on 75mg zoloft for about 4 weeks now but i dont seem to be feeling a tad bit of difference. Sometimes when i smoke weed with my freinds it calms me down a lot and i feel much better and outgoing. Iv also heard that drinking some alochol can help calm you down and make you forget all your anxieties but i cant drink as im a muslim and its forbidden :( So are there any other things i could do to calm me down just before i get back to school???




  1. Sometimes anxiety can also be managed with an actual anti anxiety medication. They can become addicting and are very hot on the streets, so I'm sure that's why your doctor didn't mention it to you. Maybe the Zoloft (which bye the way) is a bit of an "old dog" as far as anti depressants go, isn't working for you. Ask your doctor for another medication that is more geared towards anxiety treatment. like buspar, lexapro, wellbutrin, or cymbalta

  2. I used to smoke marijuana for my anxiety as well, but it often reacted strangely with my medication.

    Speak to a doctor, and mention that you have smoked marijuana. They will find something that works for you.

  3. dude u shouldnt be doing drugs cuz r muslim.

    it will get worse..

  4. i feel your pain. haha. i get so nurvous and get scared and then sick. a lot of it has to do with school ! answer mine??

  5. weed is not cool. i have generalized anxiety order too and you just have to keep working with it. You are not going to improve overnight. You have to beleive that you can manage this and it will get better. Going back to school for me too is going to be hard but i know i have to do it and i want to do it. Try going to a counsler...they give you ways to deal with anxiety. hope i helped.

  6. Try some meditation.  

  7. I have the same issue...

    first of all have your parents write a letter to the school and notify your teachers so they dont put u on the spot

    second weed may seem it calm you down but it doesn't... next time watch your heart rate and pulse... it will speed up when you are high.

    exercise can help, it releases endorphins and helps with anxiety.

    also try masturbating your young hormones are rageing!!

    haha goooood luck!!

  8. STOP weed and alcohol,they are temperary fixes that lead to permanent or longlasting problems

    was zoloft prescribed

    what are the circumstances where you do not feel all jittery like u described above...there must be some place where you are relaxed ..nobody suffers the jitters 24/7

    what is it about school that scares you

    why do you have to talk u give speeches..or are u concerned u have an accent..i need way more info to help u

    talk to a trusted friend  tell him/her everything..i mean everything,,if u dont ave a friend ..pray to a god of ur choice..dont pray for strength..thank that god for the things u have...count ,,yes count ur blessings..thank you that im healthy..that my bones are not broken,that i dont have cancer/brain tumour,thank u for giving me intelligence ,thank you for my friends,help the disfigured,sick millions of people....start thinking of the world around a book....and u wont have so much time to think of yourself....good luck

  9. I used to be on paxil for anxiety.  Some medicines work for some people and some dont.  Eventually I just learned to tough it out.  Everyone gets nervous, you just have to take some deep breaths and think of something that calms you down.  I agree smoking weed helps, but you cant be high all the time unfortunately.  Either try a different medicine, or do some breathing exercises that helps calm you down.  Its all mental.

  10. First of all, doing drugs and drinking alcohol often has very veeeery negative side effects on anti-anxiety medications. Please make sure that it is safe for you to be smoking weed while on this medication. I know alcohol often causes suicidal behavior when consumed while on zoloft, but I don't know about weed. Just trying to keep you safe =)

    One thing you may consider is going to a therapist; these kinds of medication normally work best along with getting help from a psychologist. Take it from someone who has been in your exact situation (I have terrible anxiety)- therapy does wonders, with or without medication.

    But if you're looking for a quick solution and you only have two weeks,    the best thing I can tell you is to breathe deeply, stay relaxed as best you can and try not to suppress your anxious feelings. Allow yourself to feel anxious and then let it go- if you can master your anxiety you'll feel a lot better =)

    Good luck and best wishes!

  11. wow, it sounds like you are really suffering.

    please do not self-medicate it will only make it worse as you get older and become dependent.  

    i know everybody is all pro weed and everything, and im down with whatever, but you are 15.  get through high school before you start smoking pot.  

    as for your anxiety, you need to sit down with a parent and your teachers the first week of school and explain what is going on so that they will know not to call on you in class or to just kind of take it easy.  

    additionally, you need to see your therapist.  zoloft is not used to treat anxiety, you need xanex or something of the like.  

    also, please do not stop taking your zoloft abruptly, the effects are awful and you will spiral into a depression.  

    furthermore, as a note, i feel that at 15 you do not need drugs.  you, quite honestly, need to suck it up and live your life without the crutch of chemicals and doctors.  life isnt always going to have such a simple solution and you, and your generation as a whole need to grow up, life doesnt owe you anything, so get used to it buddy.

  12. Do not drink alcohol and take anti-depressants!!!! It even says that on the label. Just do things to take your mind off of school and the night before school take a sleeping pill so you wont worry all night.

  13. Red light

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