
Anxiety question?????

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I have anxiety really bad..... I have always been just a really stressed out person but when it got to the point where i couldnt function at work i went to my doctor and he put me on lexapro and also gave me ativan for freak panic attacks. the lexapro did nothing but make me depressed and the ativan just made me drowsy. i just recently went back to the doctor and he put me on 15mg of BuSpar. well i was talking to a friend of mine and she said that is pretty much like xanex. is this true??




  1. buspar is a more of a milder anti anxiety drug, and it also takes a longer time for it to kick in and work.

    I am going through the same things you are right now. My doc has given me celexa and clonazepam and ativan, I havent started the celexa (which is basically the same as lexapro) I am actually kinda scared of using the anti depressant cuz it comes with a bunch of side effects both on and after you are off of it. But it looks like I have no choice because this anxiety/panic garbage is winning and I cant takes it no more.

  2. you need some weed

  3. I don't know if they are the same but my son has very bad anxiety and he was on lamictal and prozac.  Neither helped very much and one day (one year later) he tried a small dose of xanax (.25 mg) per day and by the second day on it he is a new person!  So, so much better, less tired, more motivated and generally a happier person.  This is just his experience, I can't speak for anyone else.


  4. 1. Buspar is NOT like zanax. Forgive my spelling!

    Zanax is in the adavan catogegory which are benzodiophens and can be addictinf when abused and usually used for short term relief.

    Buspar is not and doesnt cause addiction.Whether it helps is a different story.

    What r u doing beside medication to help yourself?

    I add a monumental anxiety problem and also understand it from a professional stand point cuz I am a therapist.

    Email me at kingpfpeace33444@ & we will go over your problem and I can give you tips based on your specifics.

  5. The only thing I have heard good results with is Prozac. Bu Spar and Xanax are two completely different things, but both are supposed to treat depression. They are comparable, though. But I have heard good results from Prozac. I personally wouldn't try these types of medications due to some depression or anxiety, simply because you become addicted to them, they can be very expensive, and also can worsen your depression. You might want to give other methods a try, like yoga, relaxation, mediation, listening to soft music, breathing exercises, or even general exercising.  

  6. Some times xanex can have a reverse reaction and make you more mad and stressed. Do what the Doc says to do.

  7. Yoga is great but I really believe if you don't know how to relax you don't get the full benefit. So here's how to relax:

    1.Breathe in deeply using your diaphragm (Making you tummy rise) Do this about 5 times a day breathe in for 3 seconds and out for 4 seconds. Soon you will be able to hold it longer like 4 seconds and 8 seconds out. Do this mainly whenever you are stressed.

    2. Relax every muscle in your body. You'll notice muscles are contracted even when your not contracting them. You can order a relaxing CD on line. Or search on you tube or something. It will walk you through it. They pin point certain muscles at a time to relax. Soon it will become second nature.

    See our body was naturally designed to breathe through our diaphragm as babies we did so. Due to the about of stress we have we altered it to breath shallow. Check it, breath deeply. Is your breathing making your shoulders rise? If so you are breathing incorrectly.

    Everything you feel stressed or just do this a couple times a day it will retrain your your body to breathe correctly. Its called fight or flight research it if your not sure of what it means. We are always in a panic state even if we don't realize it. That is the fight state. We need to learn to relax.

    It changed my life. I was in a lot of pain from my muscles being contracted all the time. Now I am feeling so much better. Try it, it wont hurt.  

  8. don't go to a doctor go to a psychiatrist.  

  9. maybe you should try another doctor or a behavioral therapist. i have anxiety issues too, and really there is nothing better than talk therapy. you need to get to the root of what is making you anxious instead of just chemically altering yourself to cover it up.

    -but i do believe in medication, i take anti-depressants-


    hope this helps with ur anxiety issues, sure helped me realize what was wrong

    ps try to avoid  things like xanex -really bad for your health. why would a doctor prescribe that?

  11. Buspar is much milder than Xanax.  It can make you feel drowsy too though.

  12. Yo Oxicotton xanex bars shoot it up take you to mars

  13. Please try to ignore  some of my predecessors answers, yeah they`re pretty much as addictive as each other and should only be used in the short term around 3-4 weeks max

  14. The truth is buspar is nothing like xanax. xanax is a benzodiazepine like valium and klonopin and ativan. Ativan is the weakest benzo the klonopin worked really good for me, with a little dr. talk time too!!good luck

  15. well i suffer from anxiety attacks too, i know only about ativan which didnt make me drowsy but calms me well and helps me get to sleep, but if you want to try some unmedicated methods try to keep stress levels down, dont make yourself too tired as exhaustion can cause panic attacks, and stop drinking caffeine, relax and if you start to get panicky always try to think about something else or do something to take your mind off it
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