
Anxiety remedies? I asked yesterday.......

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I asked yesterday about remedies for anxiety and many kindly answered suggesting that I take walks, vitamins etc; But I only become anxious at certain points in the day when I have to do certain tasks at work that I don't like to do (to be specific - coldcalling & telesales) So I'm looking for a technique or natural remedy that makes me calm down & relax quickly and feel unphased by what I am about to do. I own the company and have sales staff but we're experiencing a slump in business at the moment so it's necessary for me to perform sales activities to help us through this rough patch. I started the company 8 years ago & did all the sales myself but since employing staff & not doing it for a while, I now experience a complete irrational fear of it. I find myself becoming really anxious & stressed at the thought of cold-calling. I just want to find a way to calm down & feel totally relaxed about it. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.




  1. Kava Kava and Valerian root work but they make you sleepy. I wouldn't recommend a prescription like xanax and I doubt your doctor would either.  

  2. do a course on reiki (a natural therapy based on energy flow around the body) and then you can do it on yourself in times when you need it. the cost of a course is around $200 and might help you  

  3. I would talk about your feelings around it. Right before you do something and right after it. Just ask someone you trust to listen to you for five min, offering no feed back or opinion...just an open ear. If you want to return the favor listen to them for five min, not saying a word. Its a lot harder than it sounds...both ways... but its good to get this stuff out.  USE A TIMER and stop once those five min are up.

    Another idea is to write these feelings...right before and right after. Just getting this stuff out is a great way to control the anxiety b/c its no longer in your head. I do this a lot at work. I just take some paper and write whatever comes to mind. Then I shred it.

    Each time you share a problem, its cut in half. Think about how small it would be once you talked about it 3 times. Six. Ten. You might even get to what the real issue is b/c you know its not about the actual calling.

    Good Luck!

  4. You're probably hypoglycemic. When the blood sugar drops too you, you get weak, dizzy, anxious, panicky, etc.  That's why your panic comes only at certain times--- probably if you've gone too long without food, or if you've had a big hit of sugar.  It's not the coldcalling, it's probably related to the time of day and what you've eaten or not eaten.

    You can try all the mind tricks, vitamins, deep breathing,etc you like but if you don't balance your blood sugar, nothing works

  5. Beta 1, 3-D Glucan

    according to

    You can buy where vitamins are sold.

  6. I learned this method from the book "Don't Panic" by Reid Wilson. Once you begin panicking, think. Once you find a thought that eases your mind and body, write down what it was that made you feel better. Put it on a little piece of paper and keep it in your pocket or wallet. The next time you feel yourself begin to panic, take out the piece of paper, and think about that thing again. Sometimes it's a mental picture, a fantasy, or a sentence. Whatever it is, it should help you end your panic attacks more quickly. Eventually, you are supposed to realize that your panic is irrational if all it takes is a thought to demolish it. Once you begin realizing how irrational it is, it should slowly end.

  7. Try sucking on a peppermint; they are clinically proven to calm a persons nerves and get them relaxed.

    If your anxiety is out of control, prescriptions such as valium (generic: diazepam), effexor, or xanax (generic: alprazolam) are your best bet.  

  8. Homeopathic remedies are brilliant for this.

    But you should see a qualified homeopath who will take your full case- can take up to 1.5 hours- very thorough!

    Good luck

  9. I know exactly how you feel...I do a bit of sales and cold calling in my job too, and most of the time I absolutely hate it! I'm self employed and it's just the two of us in the company, we produce a magazine that relies on advertising for print costs and profits.

    Sometimes I can get myself fired up to 'cold call' confidently, but when I can't, I have a stash of Rescue Remedy in my office drawer! You can buy it in most health food shops and well known chemists. It's tried and tested and really does work.

    'Calms', and other natural remedies containing passion flower, hops and valerian are also very effective.

    I think it's pretty great you're supporting your sales staff by joining them on the 'shop floor' with the telesales...especially when you hate it so much at the moment.

    Would it be a good idea to review the work of your sales staff also? I'm sure they're great at what they do, but maybe an extra encouraging push might take a bit of pressure off you; I'm sure you're fairly bogged down with your own hectic duties.

    I hope the natural remedies work for you - good luck.

  10. I have a supplement with Kava Kava and Valerian that really helps bring me out of major anxiety attacks.  Paired with smelling a jar of lavender, it works just as well as xanax sometimes.

  11. You need to practice a relaxation/hypnotherapy technique. You can download cheaply as MP3 or buy a CD. There are a few different kinds, so if you don't get on with one, try a different one. Most people with anxiety respond to these. The secret is to practice them often enough - at least 20 minutes a day. The more often you use it, the faster you'll see results. Google it on Amazon for CDs, or look on for MP3 downloads. 2-3 weeks of daily practice and you'll be a new person.

  12. marijuana is one of the best treatments for anxiety.  however, in a few users, it can produce paranoia and anxiety, so you should probably try it first.  if you own the company, and you plan on calming down before work, i suggest you smoke only a small amount: enough to acheive the relaxing effects, do not smoke to intoxication.  and even if you did, your using it medicinally, and you're the boss, right?  You do what you want.

    in case you were wondering, i am not suggesting a product that is addictive, habit forming, or harmful to your lungs, brain, or overall health.  to clear up any question, marijuana is none of those things. i could go into explaining all of it now, but that would take up pages and pages.  if you would like more info, feel free to pm me, i feel very strongly about this issue.  or, you can do your own research, as there is a plethora of marijuana information, factual and researched, on the internet or in books. dont accept propaganda.


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