
Anxious about being in public?

by  |  earlier

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I've always been a bit shy, but never anxious and scared to be out in public. I used to be so sure about myself, and I still am. I think I'm fine, but when I get out in public I feel like everyone is staring at me, and I kinda avoid as many people as I can.

I did homeschooling for about a year, and it's only made matters worse. I have to go look at the college I want to attend, but I'm scared how this is going to affect me.

How can I get over this and just relax?




  1. i got da same problem just go out i public more

  2. It really is all in the mind. Nothing bad is going to happen. Accept that and go out with your head held high. Smile, even if you don't want to. It works.

    You must remember one thing: Nobody is bothered about you. They are more concerned with their own lives. If they look at you, take it as a compliment - they might find you attractive, they might be jealous of you.

    You have real problems, when nobody looks or talks about you.

  3. I think I have a similar problem. I am fine when im with people or doing stuff. But when Im home and about to leave, i get anxious, specially when im doing it for the first time.

  4. Does your shyness affect you in your daily routine? If you are avoiding things that must be done in order to avoid other people then you might want to try talking to your parents/guardians, or someone you can feel comfortable discussing it with.

    Shyness is not a disease. There are plenty of shy people in the world and there is nothing wrong with that. But, if that isn't the kind of person you want to be, you can change the way you act and view things if you truly want to. Be proud of who you are and do not let people walk over you. You said that you are sure of yourself, so I am doubting that confidence or self-esteem is a problem.

    I developed a problem similar to yours in high school and ended up avoiding people. I resolved my problem by determining what kind of person I would like to be and acting on those thoughts of how I should act. I also got a part time job, while in school, in customer service to help me become used to being around people and public places.

    -thanks for letting me rant.

  5. ive been shy all my life, when went into jr. high for the first year i would fake sick and i missed most of the year so i just ended up being home-schooled, now when i go out in public i feel the same exact way, ive tried medications, and they barely work, its just something that you have to kind of grow out of

  6. dont worry, just relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, think about when you see someone walk by you on the street and you look at them, after 10 seconds you never think about them again, unless there super hot, or super ugly, and you dont seem like a super ugly girl, so just be easyyy and have a bit more confidence

  7. I often find myself in the same boat, and the best advice I can give you is to just take deep breaths and try to relax. Realize that the people aren't even thinking about you or concerned with the way you look.

    But, PLEASE, whatever you do: Don't take any of the drugs that claim to help you with this problem. They're horrible for you and don't do anything. When you have anxiety, the cause is psychological. Something happened that caused you to feel anxiety in public and taking a pill won't solve the issue.

    I wish you the BEST of luck!


  8. Cheer to that!

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