
Any 1 with a christmas day baby on here? what do you do?

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what do you do if your child is born on christmas day? my daughter was so we got her christened as near to the 25th of june as we could if i have a party with her friends on the 25th of june will the friends parents buy her presents? any1 else with the same problem and found a good way around it?




  1. i had a friend who was she celebrated her birthday on the 1st of dec because everyone used to try and get away with buying her one present plus the two things children look forward to most in the year is birthdays and xmas so she needs them on different days

  2. our first baby is due on the 23rd dec, we have decided to have a  birthday party for he/she when he/she is older during the summer, so they can have their friends round and have a proper birthday party with friends.  we were thinking July/aug and the day our little bundle of joy is born, then the actual birthday were just going to keep for family members and have a close family celebration together.

  3. hiya, im currently pregnant with my 2nd baby and its due 24th december, im really just really glad that im having a planned c-section and it will be here about 2 weeks before, im not to bothered about the babys birthday being so close to christmas but i have a 17 month old that will be starting to understand about christmas this year and i hate the thought of me being in hospital and ruining it for her, my little brothers birthday is 19th of december and weve never had problems with people only buying him one present so i have no  worries about it with my baby, if your child was born at any other tiem of the year people would have to buy presents for birthday then again for christmas and if people are to stingy then dont invite them to the party next year!!

  4. Hi if you are I would just tell people that the 25th of June when you got your child chiristened is when you would like it do be her birthday despite her actually being born of xmas day as you dont want her to feel left out only getting 1 day a year to open presents rather than 2 like most people, I dont think people would mind as they will and should understand.

    Its a good idea to have the birthday the day she was christened as I was just thinking to myself that I would pick a different day for her birthday and picking the date your child got chiristend is the perfect date.

    But like other people suggestsed if you are sending out birthday invited then they will bring presents, you dont even have to tell them that your daughters real birthday is on xmas day if they ask tell them your reasons if they dont just let them think that, its not like you are giving your child 2 birthdays a year on purpose its just fair too being your child has been born on xmas day.

    I feel bad as my birthday is in december and I get prezzies for both my birthday and a month or so later for xmas and it just cost loads, but everyone should have a birthday on there own date as well as enjoy xmas especially children.

  5. hi, i was born xmas eve and had my party on 23rd/24th every year and who ever only brought 1 present didnt get invited the next time, it didnt happen often lol.

    also i am due with my 2nd baby at end of dec this year and he/she will be having birthday parties in dec 2. they r so much fun n more magical. who else gets fairy light n decorations everywhere in a birthday party? it cant be as much fun in june.

    hope this helps x

  6. My daughter was born Christmas morning.  She is now 19. We have had her parties on Xmas Eve before.  I think being born on xmas gives you the excuse to have your bday party any other day of the year. So we often had summer parties and called it her bday party. And yes  she always got lots of gifts. But we still put bday presents under the tree for xmas and have a bday cake that night and sing. Its fun.

  7. i am a christmas day baby! (im now 26) as i was born at 12oclock my mum used to let me open my christmas presents in the morning and i couldnt open my birthday presents until 12 when i was "officialy" born, that helped to seperate my birthday from christmas a little as you get forgotton about!

  8. My son was born on the 22nd of December 2003 even thou it is not christmas day it might as well be from he has been born nearly 5yrs ago i still have problems with his birthday people say to me if your having party,s have it a week before or a week after his birthday so know i have started to do that it helps a bit but not much i do say to my friends and family the child was born on the 22nd of December and that is his day you cant say to a young child your birthday is on or around christmas that they will have to wait for there presants and a party until the christmas period is over what i do myself is for my son he gets his presants on his birthday My son was a we bit lucky when he was in nursery on his birthday was the day they would have stopped for christmas so the nursery had his wee party for him will all his wee friends which was a good point for me it meant my son did have his birthday on the 22nd of December now he is hitting Primary 1 it will be harder to get things arranged on or around his 5th birthday i do understand how hard it is for any parent to have a child around the christmas period cause i have one but if i were you i would try to arrange for your child to have her birthday party,s either a week before or a week or 2 after her birthday  your child got christened on the 25th june i take it you had party for that then i would foget that idea it doesnt work you would only cofuse the child when the child gets older the child will not know when it was born plus as the child gets older they ask for there birth cert so how will you explain to the child your birthday is being held on June the 25 but your proper birthday is on the 25th december I would personal hold a party as early as a week before or a week or 2 after but make a fuss of the child on the 25th of December say that you were born on the day santa brings presants to every child in the world and you were picked as a special presant for your mummy on christmas day even thou you had the child on chritmas day for presants if you pick a special presant out and put it to one side and tell your child that this is special for you and you dont need to worry if the child gets lots for birthdays cause you will make up for it on presants from santa my son doesnt get much for his birthday but make up for it on presants from santa they are to young to understand now so accept the way things go now you can get away with anything its when they are other they will ask for more i am sorry this was a bit long but i had to explain my situation with having a son myself near christmas but it is really what you yourself as a mother want to do with your child when it comes to its birthday  good luck whatever you do

  9. My youngest is a Christmas baby too although she's Dec 30th rather than the 25th. It breaks my heart that she only gets Christmas presents from people and no Birthday presents. My own birthday is just before Christmas so I know what this feels like.

    She's only 3 and a half right now and I haven't had to face the big party issue yet but I'll be interested to see other people's experiences of this.

  10. My partner has his birthday on Dec25th, so I moved it to June 25th, and if you send invites for a party make sure it says "Birthday Party" on it and you will get presents!!

  11. i would  just get the one present and a xmas & birthday card

  12. Its not only the kids born on Christmas day with the disadvantage but the people with birthdays round the whole Christmas period. My birthday is December 7th and i usually get just the 1 present for both my birthday and Christmas if anything at all. They even put happy birthday/Christmas what ever i get. I have know a lot of other people with the same thing happen. The solution to the problem is to get over it.

  13. My doctor told me that a lot of parents do the half birthday parties for their kids born at/near Christmas. Mine will be right around New Year's this year. I'm sure that if you do the party in June and you explain that it's a birthday party they will buy presents.

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