
Any 13-16 year old girls run track???

by  |  earlier

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i run track and i want to know what ur fastest times are for the 200, 400, and 800. im going to run track for my high school and i wanna try to get some of ur times. thanks pplz!




  1. my girlfriend runs 26.9 in the 200 if that helps...

  2. 800m = 3 min.

    Not great, but not too horrible either.

  3. Hi i run track and im 13. My fastest time for 800m was 4:57 and i don't run the other races. I usually run longer races though like 10k-15k so ya. Haha ya. But when i ran that it was really good weather and i was pushing my self really hard. Thats the only time ive ever gottten that time. :) hope that helps! have fun running!

  4. heyyy

    i am 15



    and i never did 800 lol


  5. 200 time-27.64

    400 time-i ran it only twice cuz i usually run the 100 and 200 but i got like 1:09

    and i dont run the 800

  6. Not that this will be much help but my little sister ran

    2:24 800m in grade 8 or 9

  7. For my 100 I was 12 seconds, 400 I was 56 seconds, 800 I was 2:38 seconds I am in the 8th grade grade going to the 9th and I'm 13 going on 14!

  8. Umm i was a sprinter for the 100 and my time was 13.3 I did relay and everything

    for 200 i tihknk it was 38 seconds which was bad

    and for 400 it was 1:18 it was bad again ahah

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