
Any 20+ yr olds deciding to not have kids?

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My husband and I (both 25 yrs old) have been together 10 years and married for 4 of those years. We have decided not to have children by choice. Just wondering if anyone else is choosing to be child-free as well and why. Thanks. For us, we like kids and have many nieces and nephews, but for us, kids is just not in our plan.




  1. I plan to adopt but not give birth, does that count? There are too many parentless children in the world.

  2. Eh, wait ten years and see how you feel about it then.

  3. 25 is young, a lot of people say that they don't want kids throughout their 20s, but later start wanting them in their 30s and 40s. I'm not saying that everyone is like that, but a lot of people are.

  4. I'm well past that age group, but also decided not to bring kids into the world. And I know an amazing number of other people who have made the same decision. With 6.5 billion people on the planet already, who needs another one?!

    I can't help but feel a bit saddened by the kind of thinking and excuses some people make to continue to produce children--4, 5,  6 of them, sometimes more.  It really does seem to be irresponsible and thought (or maybe no clue) at all about the burden that they are putting on the world.

    Congratulations on a wise and thoughfful decision.

  5. I'm 26 and I won't have kids until I am financially well-off.

  6. My cousins have decided not to have children as well.

    I don't think not having children is a bad idea. It is all up to personal choice.

  7. your life is going to be dull and probably over worked.

  8. Wait until your friends start to have kids or when mother's day or father's day roll around.

  9. I'm 22 and I'm contemplating about whether or not to have children in the near future. Look at where the world is heading, and it seems quite selfish to bring a child into a world full of stress, pollution, inflation etc, so that someone can look after one when one is old.

    Adoption seems like a better choice (in my opinion). Firstly, we are giving our love to someone who needs it. Secondly, it doesn't add to the population explosion that the world is already experiencing now.

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