
Any 3 or 4 star hotel nearby Seth RamDas Shah Hospital,Gokhalenagar pune India?I appriciate quick reply,thanks

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Any 3 or 4 star hotel nearby Seth RamDas Shah Hospital,Gokhalenagar pune India?I appriciate quick reply,thanks




  1. There is no very nearby three star or 4 star hotel near to Gokhale nagar area, But a good quality hotel is at Esquare multiplex which is nearer to this area about say 2.5km distance on University road near the fly over brdge.  This E square is a multiplex theatre with a hotel on top floor. I am not sure about its star number.

    Asecond hotel is Pride executive again on University road ,near Rahul theatre nearer to Shivaji nagar area. This is I think a three star hotel.

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