
Any ALBANIANS out there?

by Guest55830  |  earlier

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can you tell me how i'd say this to a girl?

-i am nothing without you.

-can i have a kiss?

-i want nobody else but you.

or any other sweet things you know how to say in Shqip? thanks <3




  1. oh shoot. im not albainians. i thought this was like a shout out i was about to be like

    &quot;i aint albanian but my home girl is so i&#039;ll say HEY for her&quot;

    but since  its not about that im going to say  good luck to getting the girl

  2. Albanian ? whats that ? a  mouse or something ?

  3. im from ohio does that count

  4. nope

  5. cuold i have ur number.. i lost mine

  6. Sheesh!  Well I&#039;m not albanian and I don&#039;t know much of it, but since you didn&#039;t get any good answers I can tell you a couple of phrases I know.  &quot;Kiss me&quot; is &quot;me puth&quot;  &quot;I love you&quot; is &quot;Te dua&quot;  &quot;You are so beautiful&quot; is &quot;Ti e shum e bukur&quot;  &quot;You are so sweet&quot; is &quot;Ti e shum e embel&quot;  I just know these little sweet phrases cuz I used to have an albanian boyfriend

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