
Any Advice Would Be Appreciated.?

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My family and I want to move to Ireland once I graduate school. I will have my degree in culinary arts and I'm pretty sure I can get a job but I'm not sure if the field my Mom is in even exists in Ireland. lol She is a medical coder. She codes hospital charts. It has something to do with billing.




  1. Yes it does exist, they do college courses in medical coding so it must do! However, she might need to get a job in a private hospital.

  2. Never heard of this but maybe email some of the hospitals or the Health Service Executive.

  3. welcome to Ireland. you will have no problem finding a job here, yes, medical coder positions do exist, however our health syestem is in crisis at the present time and there is a recruitment freeze in effect. As the answer above stated she would be better of applying to some of our private hospitals,  there are a good many so she should not find it hard to get employment, ....  I hope you enjoy your move

  4. Sure the HSE is in such a mess she'll probably be the head honcho within a week. Give Mary Harney a ring.

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