
Any Advice for this?

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I am 34 weeks pregnant and can't sleep at all. My hips hurt, my back hurts, and it is making me sick because I have no energy during the day. I sleep with a body pillow already and was wondering if there is anything out there that works for anyone. I'm willing to try anything. Thanks in advance!




  1. This is exactly how i'm feeling! I'm also 34 weeks and dread going to sleep due to aching all night! The only way i get any relief is if i sit up in bed- with pillows behind me proping me up and laying  on my back rather than my side. I know sleeping on your back isnt recommended but i cant find any other way.  I try and take a relaxing bath before bed and get my partner to rub/tickle my legs to relax me- he is an angel for doing that for me!

    Sorry, this is all i have- i'll keep an eye on your question for more suggestions lol

  2. I have two kids and i was very umcomderable at 34 36 to 37weeks i was so ready to have the baby, but they both hung out til the due dates lol

    thers not mch u can do to get comfy...its jsut part of it all

  3. during such times.... your food is feeding two but not just you.... you mus be shure that the food you are taking is very rich and raw....... not at all junk food............ make sure you are not going to face deficiency on calcium etc...

  4. Ask your doctor if they will be ok with you taking Tylenol PM.  The pain reliever may help with some of the mild discomfort and the diphenhydramine in it (same thing that makes you sleepy in Benadryl) should allow you to fall asleep.  I used to work in a high risk Ob unit of the hospital and the docs prescribed benadryl for pregnant ladies all the time to help them sleep.

    Every pregnancy is different so please refer to your Ob before taking it.

    Good luck and hope you get some rest!

  5. I hate to say it but there really isn't much you can do. I know exactly how you feel I am 38 weeks, and my body pillow is not doing much good. I would suggest taking aTylenol before you lay down, try a heating pad for your back, and a good massage if possible. So far I have not found anything to help with the hip pain, just try to switch positions while sleeping or laying down  to alleviate the pressure. Try to get in naps whenever you can, make sure to take your prenatals this may help with being tired. You need as much sleep as you can get now, even though it seems impossible to get any. Best of luck I hope your feel better! Congrats on the little one!

  6. Maybe have you tried kinda of sitting up and sleeping.  I think alot of people go through this toward the end.  I am 33 weeks and not all the time but sometimes sleeping at night is hard I can't get comfortable and my legs often go numb.

    With the back pain I do alot of stretching exercise like on my hands and knees and rolling by back or sometimes at night I will get in that same position for a while and it kind of helps me.
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