
Any Advise with what to do with a brand new car that nearly killed us because of fault, it's 3 weeks old.?

by  |  earlier

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Landcruiser Sahara 200 Series

Engine failed whilst car was driving. Something with smart start button.

Where do we stand legally?

Can you return new cars t the dealership and get money back?




  1. i would look up lemon laws in your state on the net its all their for you just look it up before you talk to any one know your rights first knowledge is power.

  2. One thing to do is to report the safety issue, not only to the dealer and manufacturer, but also to the federal  government (Nation Highway Safety Administration).

    They have a site. Your insurance agent may be able to help you.

  3. if it's brand new, it should be well within warranty - take it back!

  4. The car is under warranty... get it repaired. Asking us here will not help other than being told to get it repaired.

  5. If this was the first time that it did this, then call the vehicles manufacturer and discuss this with them and follow their instructions and also document any and everything that you do, it under warranty so any type of law suit would not be in order at this time.....

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