
Any Amish people out there that can help me with a school project? Please Help - School Project Due Tuesday?

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So for a project at school, my teacher is making me do some research on the Amishes. So I just wanted to know if there were any on here that could help me.So I thought that it would help if my posterboard would come alive more if i cud speak from experience. So can anyone tell me where i could get injected into a Amish person online. So like i know it can be done because a friend of mine became a reverend online as well so dont give me stupid answers or something. So any help on this would be appreciated.

P.S 100 points for best answer.




  1. This is really funny. Amish people don't use computers... or ANY modern technology.

  2. Most Amish are not on computers.

    Perhaps you could do research in the library or online. There are many books helping us to know the way of the Amish.

    You have a very interesting project.  

  3. First the Amish don't have electricity, no electricity means no computer, no computer, means no internet.  Yes you can become a minister on line, but No you can not "get injected into a Amish person on line."  Try going to a library - its usually a big building with lots of books - those things that you read.  

  4. i doubt you would be able to get in contact with any practicing Mennonites. you would have to find some one who is a friend of them to help you. short of going to Pennsylvania to talk to them. go to this web site...

  5. This site may help u ...........its an interview of a person who has an amish backgrnd

    all the best :)

  6. Ummm if you're amish, that means that you live as if you were in the 1800s, meaning that they wouldn't be able to help you on the internet because in the 1800s they didn't have computers.......

  7. You obviously are very lacking in knowledge about the Amish, how can they be on yahoo answers when they do not use electricity let alone the internet!? * rolls eyes exasperated*

  8. heres the basics-

    Amish people do not use modern technology such as electricity or cars.That includes computers and the Internet, so that is why no one has replied.However, Amish-Mennonites use the Internet.The Amish do not regard modern goods as 'sinful', they just choose to refrain from using anything that might lead to something sinful.Anything the can do without, they do not bother to with.However, that is not to say that they fear modern technology, in fact they have adopted quilting, telephones, bikes, modern milking machines and so on.

    The Amish belong to the Anabaptists.The first Anabaptists emerged during the Reformation were Mennonites and the Amish stemmed from them (They wanted stricter shunning and the Mennonites did not).Because they emerged around the same time as the Protestants they are often mistakenly refered to as Protestant.Anabaptists believe in adult baptism, shunning, prayercoverings, a distinction between the sexes and their roles, meetings in members' homes, plain dress, living a simple life, the bible being the sole authority of God's word, pacifism, not going to court and not swearing oaths.

    The Amish do not educate their children beyond 8th grade, because they believe years of study may cause laziness and vanity.Instead, when a boy or girl hits 14 they help out on the farm and in the home and later work as carpenters, cleaners and waitesses.

    There are 2 types of Amish (Old Order & New Order) & each group has many different churches with slight differences.Because each church sets their own rules, some are more liberal and some more conservative.

    ~The Old Order Amish wear dark colours, use oil lamps, do not have central heating, cannot have curtains, do not have indoor plumbing or indoor WCs & use only green blinds.

    ~The New Order Amish have electricity in their homes, but rarely have phones (only for business, emergencies or pregnant women).They do not own cars.

    the best source-

  9. Ummm  sweet cheeks you can't give "100 points for best answer" so why did you put that in your description??

    As has been pointed out, you're not likely to find an Amish person using a computer.  The New Order Amish do use some technology, like cell phones, but this is not common.  And contrary to some answers above, the Amish do use electricity in some cases and some technology.  

    Actually, an Amish community is a fascinating place.  The best way to learn about their way of life is to visit one.  If there is an Amish community close by, I'd bet you could even work something out where you could visit for a day or two and even go to school with Amish kids so you could experience it first hand.

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