
Any Anti-Sexuals Out There?

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So here's the deal. I'm anti-sexual (meaning I have no interest in s*x or sexual activities at all) and I knew that when I decided to be this way that I would have future problems with relationships and all. But at times, I just feel so alone and misunderstood. I've told me fiance (who knew when he proposed to me that I wasn't interested in s*x at all) about it and all, but he doesn't seem to understand or even respect it in any way. Of course, I knew his reaction wouldn't be a good one, but I thought that he would handle it a little better than how he has. Anyway, I just want to know if any of you out there reading this are anti-sexuals as well, and how have you dealt with it? Also, can anyone give me a percentage of how many people are anti-sexual? Thank you for any answers you can give.

Please no hate comments! Thanks.




  1. That's totally me... I don't really care what anyong else excuse is, s*x is bad for you...glad we can cannot.

    There have been studies, showing the more times a women has s*x, the sooner she dies faster. My guess is probably no more 1 in 30 people...meaning 3% of the population.

  2. Perhaps you are not "anti-sexual" as you claim, The time, person, feelings or comfort level is just not right, maybe? Just a thought.

  3. im not hatin at ALL but how do you expect to be happily married without s*x..?

  4. You aren't alone!

  5. I most certainly don't agree with sexless marriage, but asexuality isn't wrong, nor are you alone in (not) doing it. I myself am not anti-s*x, but I believe it can be beneficial to abstain from it until marriage. But since that's you're stand, make sure it's respected. You and your fiance aren't going to be all happy gung ho if he wants s*x and doesn't respect your stance at all.  

  6. I have respect for Nuns so why not.  I don't understand why you would get married though.  I guess legally bound companionship might somehow be beneficial but do you allow for your fiance to get it on outside of the marriage without throwing a fit?   We men are horrible beasts with appetites you know. (Howls at the moon)

  7. You might find some but I doubt you'll find a lot. Personally, I wouldn't want to be with a woman who hated s*x.  

  8. s*x is one of the greatest gifts human beings brings almost unequalled pleasure, physical and mental.

    I'm not surprised there are a few people like you, but as long as it doesn't come from immaturity, a mental illness,traumatic event,physical condition, then that's just who you are....I've known and know a few woman such as you (platonic relationships) but for the life of me can't comprehend me, it's like asking someone to stop eating and drinking, and I'm sure most people who're "anti-sexual" are females because knowing guys like I know guys (I'm a guy afterall) the VAST majority would KILL themselves without s*x or living with a relationship with someone who was "anti-sexual".

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