
Any Astronomy professors in here familiar with 2012?

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I would really like the opinion or perspective of a college professor, preferably a university. What do you think of the dec 21, 2012 prophecy by the mayans, what does it mean to you, what do you believe will happen, what is your evidence or theory to support your perspective. A lot of people just like to dismiss the idea alltogether, but I think we should be paying very special attention to it, I dont think humanity will end on dec 21, I think we will go through some very BIG changes though.




  1. In the meantime, why not type "Mayan 2012 prediction" into Google and check out Wikipedia and other sites. As far as any professor, he/she can only offer an opinion. The Mayan calendar was based on cycles; it was very accurate, invented by Mesoamerican people at a time when many of our European ancestors were living in mud huts.

    Cycles are things that repeat, but there's no way to say that a given astrological/astronomical event like 12-21-2012 will occur at an exact moment nor to what degree or extent: it's in the future. Sure, we can predict tides accurately, and orbits of stars and planets...but I myself am very curious as to what, if anything, will happen on or near that particular date.

  2. Every year is an opportune time for us to go through big changes.

    I think with the gas prices hitting the roof and the economy taking a nose dive it is obvious that we are heading towards trouble. UNLESS something happens and a good change takes place.

  3. i don't think it has anything to do with the mayans.

    yet in 2012 it is when the sun spot cycle hits it's maximum and idk magnetic stuff and blah blah is supposed to go all crazy, i read this book about it. but i'm still not convinced that we're all gonna die or anything.................

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