
Any Black nobility in Europe?

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Pure curiosity.

Does anyone know of a person that is any non-white ethnicity that holds any form of nobility title in Europe?

I'm not really talking about Knighthood or Dames (I'm aware of Dame Bassey) but if you know of other ethnic knights/dames that is good info as well.

Thank you




  1. Her Serene Highness Princess Angela of Liechtenstein (3 February 1958 in Bocas del Toro, Panama) is the wife of Prince Maximilian of Liechtenstein. Princess Angela is the only black Princess in a reigning European dynasty.

  2. I don't no and why should blacks hold nobility in Europe?

  3. I don't know of any black nobility but some years ago Prince Joaquim of Denmark married a lady from Hong Kong who subsequently became Princess Alexandra. They divorced a year or two ago but she is still a Princess and is of Asian descent.

    @Celticbloodwarrior - Why SHOULDN"T blacks hold nobility? All one would have to do is marry into a royal family.

  4. i am know know of Queen Charlotte of England who had distant ancestry. Also , i believe the Russian poet Pushkin who had distant African ancestry had some royal descendants. I am sure there were others if you researched it.

  5. Learie Nicholas Constantine was created a UK Life Peer in 1969 as Baron Constantine, of Maraval in Trinidad and Tobago and of Nelson in the County Palatine of Lancaster, the first person of African descent to be granted such a title.

    He was also a noted cricketer.

    I'm sure there's others, he's just the first one I could recall off-hand.

  6. There are quite a few black barons and baronesses in Britain: Baroness Amos, Baroness Scotland of Asthal, Lord Taylor of Warwick, Lord Morris of Handsworth, Baroness Howells. Their sons and daughters are all called 'the honourable'. While they hold noble titles, none are of upper class backgound and are not 'nobility' in the traditional sense. They were appointed to the House of Lords to do a job. The daughter of HRH the Duke of Gloucester married a Maori, but he does not get a title. Prince Albert of Monaco has a half-black love child, but this child has no title.

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