
Any C-section advice?

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I'm being brought in next Friday to deliver my little boy by cesarean section... I've been reading up in all the books and online as well... are there any tips or pieces of advice that I should consider that maybe the books missed? How was your personal experience, and how well or bad did it go?




  1. I had a C section 18 days ago to deliver our 1st baby.  I was a wreck!!! but I will have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life.  Everything went very smoothly, and I had my Son in a matter of minutes.  The only thing I can tell you to do it relax.  Make sure you get up the next day and start walking, you want to get on your feet asap, it hurts like he** but its a pain that subsides pretty quick after standing.  Im not sure I can offer you any books, but you will be fine.  I would much rather have another section as opposed to having a natural birth.  

  2. I didn't have any problems. I would recommend a C-section over a vaginal birth any day, I've had both. I had my c-section at 7 one morning that night around 8 or 9 I was up walking around. Granted they gave me toradol and percocet every 6 hours if I needed it that day but the next day I stopped taking the toradol and started going about every 8 hours on the percocet. I went home 48 hours after my c-section because I was doing so well and I only had to take pain medication the day I came home, after that the soreness was gone. So my advice to you is get up and move around as soon as they will let you. Even if you aren't able to be on your feet for long. When you go home until you have your staples removed don't lift anything heavier than your baby, your doctor might even tell you not to lift anything heavier than your baby even after you have your staples removed. Whatever he/she tells you LISTEN to them. Rest whenever you can, don't worry about doing the housework...if you don't have friends or family members to help you with that stuff it will all still be there it then. With every day that passes after the c-section you will start feeling better and better just don't over do it too soon. Your baby will demand enough of you.  

  3. the best advice?


    and dont overthink this.

    seriously. the more stress you have about it, the harder it will be to heal.

    quit reading the books and all that. just relax, dont think about it, and just go to it like any other doctors appointment. acting like its an everyday thing will help make it no big deal!

  4. well I am a mommy of two little ones, both c-section babies!  my daughter was an emergency c-section and my son was scheduled, being that I had a c-section with my daughter [first born] I had the choice with my son, I went ahead and decided on a scheduled cesarean and I made the most of it! it was actually quite nice, I was well prepared, I knew when to have my house spotless and ready for baby to come home, I had a sitter lined up for my daughter, there were no surprises, I had so much time to prepare!  I even went into the hospital with full make-up, hair straightened and totally ready! It was lovely being that I like to plan for everything it went PERFECT! I have nothing but great things to say, and by no means am I knocking natural child birth but Im simply saying that you can make the best of your situation ;) Try not to be scared, be relaxed and well rested! and tell daddy to take you out for one last big dinner, before your time cut off for food, make sure you eat good, because the down side to a c-section is since its major surgery it takes about a day after birth to eat solids again! But just enjoy your special moment~ Everything will be wonderful-- God Bless!

  5. Best advice?  Relax, everything will be just fine and get help with basics for the first bit of time that you are home.

    If anyone offers to bring in meals - let them!  If anyone wants to help with housework - let them!  If anyone wants to scratch your toes - let them!  If anyone wants to wallpaper your nursery - let them - maybe - unless it is horrid paper that you can't stand!

    You get the picture.  Enlist help and let yourself heal.

    As for something the books don't tell you - don't eat jello while your best friend is telling jokes - you will choke on it and end up coughing and choking and laughing all at the same time!  And that hurts!

    Had my daughter 5 years ago c-section and if I could have any more (had to have hysterectomy - unrelated to c-section), I would do it again.  

    You can take a small pillow and hold it over the incision site when you have to cough, sneeze or laugh - that helps - just avoid the jello and jokes.

    Best to you and before long you'll be holding that little guy.  Enjoy him, they grow so fast!

  6. I've had 2 and will being going through another with this baby.  My advice  is to have a pillow handy for coughs and sneezes.  The pillow is for placing on the incision site when the need for coughing or sneezing comes.  I had to place it on there pretty hard to alleviate some of the pain.  Get plenty of rest and let people do as much for you as possible. It's major surgery and  you need your rest after.  Walk as much as you can the next helps.  Don't over do it when you get home.  I hurt really bad bc of this when I was home.  Also make sure the incision site is getting cleaned.  The last thing you need is a major set back of infection.  Good Luck and  God Bless!

  7. I have 3 children and my last one was an unplanned c-section.  My baby turned sideways about a day before I went into labor.  The doctors tried an internal version to turn her so they could deliver her breech but she wouldn't turn so they needed to do the c-section.  Before I let them do the internal version, I wanted pain meds.  At this point I was fully dilated so it was too late for an epidural.  A surgical spinal was the only option other than a general anesthesia which would have completely knocked me out.  It was probably 2 minutes after the doctors decided they could not deliver the baby vaginally until they started the surgery.  I had absolutely no time to really think about what they were doing.  I think this was a relief because I am the kind of person that I would have worried myself into a frenzy with anticipation...even if there was nothing to anticipate!!

    The surgery itself was pretty easy.  I was awake and conscious for everything.  My husband was able to watch the entire delivery (after the incisions were made) so he did not feel like he missed out on any of the experience.  I remember the doctors delivered the baby and then she peed and pooped on the doctor.  They cleaned out her lungs and swaddled her up in the room and the nurse brought her over to me so she could snuggle with my cheek.  At this point I could kiss her and talk to her.  I think the nurse held her in that spot as long as she physically could because it was at least 10 minutes that I had to snuggle with the baby before they took her to the nursery to clean her up.  My husband had the choice to go with the baby or stay with me.  Our doctor assisted with the surgery so he actually told my husband that he would go with the baby to give my hubby a few more minutes with me if he wanted.  

    The doctors began the surgery at 11:58.  I had a new baby girl at 12:22 and I was finished and out of the room at about 1:00 am.  I was actually very tired after everything and began to fall asleep on the table while they were finishing surgery.  I do remember having the issue with shaking and feeling almost like I had Parkinson's with uncontrollable movements.  When I got back into my room  my husband and daughter had been there about 5 minutes.  

    The recovery was pretty rough.  Having other kids I found it was really hard to sit back and not physically participate.  Allow others to help.  Prepare some freezer meals before hand if possible so you have some meals to pull out after you have your new baby at home.  I was worried that my husband and I would not have a lot of time to bond with our third child but we had a lot of time in the hospital and down time afterwards.  Cherish that time and look at it as a positive, not as something holding you down.

    Also, you have the ability to ask for certain things so you have the birthing experience you want.  I did not want a c-section but I still felt like I have a great birth story and a very positive birthing experience.  My husband also feels like he was able to enjoy the experience even though some of it was very fast paced and overwhelming.  Think about what you want for you, your partner, and your child and don't be afraid to ask for that.  The nurses and doctors should advocate for your wants and the worse they will do is say no!

    Good luck and I hope you enjoy your new baby!!

  8. First off, I'm always curious why someone is having a c-section. I personally have gone through both. I had my first son emergency c-section and my 2nd and 3rd child I had naturally.  Honestly a c-section is so much worse.  The pain lasted for a few weeks as opposed to the few hours (or days depending on how your deliver was) that a vag delivery lasts.  The main thing after a c-section is not to push yourself too much. Listen to your body, if it hurts too bad to do certain things, don't do them.  It's a little scary too b/c when I had mine the medicine they gave me made me shake horribly. I was laying there in the bed while they were doing it and my arms and my head were shaking so bad I felt like I was having a sezure, I couldn't control it at all.  But either way, you just want a healthy baby and you will make it through it.  Just keep in mind that it's all worth it in the end (o:

  9. Mine wasn't as bad as I would have expected. It stinks for that first week or so, though, you feel pretty helpless. My advice is to take all the help you can get. Don't feel as a burden to someone, if they offer to do something let them. Also, it may hurt but the more you're up and walking around the better. My nurses urged me to get up and walk around the day after and I really believed it helped with the healing process.
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