
Any Christian Democrats?....I have a question 4 u.?

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Would you ever consider voting for the opposing party based on abortions and g*y rights.

I think that same s*x marriage is wrong.

I don't belive in abortion (for the most part)

But my conscience won't let me vote for McCain aor anyone in the republican party. I just can't do it.

Why am I torn?

What do you guys think?




  1. Here's a brief thought, you believe abortion is wrong and g*y marriage is wrong.  How does that effect you?  Are you going to marry someone of the same s*x or get an abortion?  If not, does letting other people make their own choices (with the free will you believe god granted them) hurt you in any way?  If your belief in god is correct and he's omnipotent and he didn't want people to make choices he didn't like wouldn't he have just forced us to make the choices he liked?  He chose to let us pick our own path, you denying someone the right to pick theirs regardless of if you agree or disagree with it doesn't seem like something a god who gave humans free will knowing all of the consequences of us having freewill would want.

    I'm doing a third party write in.  I can't stomach the hypocrisy of either party.  The republicans have become neo-cons instead of conservatives, the democrats are still liberals.  If I were tied up and forced to vote for one of the two I'd vote democrat even though I'm a conservative... at least the american people get *something* back from the money they democrats blow, with the money the republicans are going to blow we'll only be getting more body bags of our soliders back. :(

  2. Great Question!  A star for you!

    You are "torn" because you are violating your conscience, your values, and your principles just in order to satisfy loyalty to a political party.

    You need to free yourself of partisan-ism so that your mind and heart can

    can be free to make their own decisions instead of an American political platform having "priority" of your thought processes and life decisions.  ....I suggest letting the bible have that position of hierarchy and exclusivity of your mind instead of the leaders of the DNC.

  3. I'm pro-same s*x marriage and pro-reproductive rights (which is *not* the same as being pro-abortion), but I can understand where you're coming from because it drives me nuts that the republican party is considered the "values" party.

    First, the republicans claim to embody Christian values... but I just don't see it.  I can't see how Jesus would approve of us going to war over oil, over favoring the rich and taxing the poor, over fixating on a few small points in the Bible at the expense of kindness, charity, and general decency.

    Second, the party is rife with lies and misinformation.  I'm not saying that the democrats haven't lied or stretched the truth, but it goes to a whole different level with the republicans.  They cry "sexism!" when people question Palin's background and qualifications, but can't admit that they attacked Hillary on the fact that she is a woman (how many times did they call her "shrill?").  It also extends to their supporters (while they didn't directly do anything themselves, they certainly didn't denounce it).  Let's not forget the widespread voting fraud and misconduct in the last few elections to keep minorities away from the polls.  Add to that Fox News's repeated and horribly racist "Obama is a Muslim!" attacks.

    Then there is the general "head-in-the-sand" notion that, if we don't think about something, we won't have to deal with it.  It's exemplified in abstinence-only education, that if we don't tell teenagers about one of the most powerful instincts we have, then they won't figure it out on their own.  The same is true of abortion - if we don't allow abortion, then it won't happen.

    Finally, and worst of all, is the rank hypocrisy.  The republicans have always claimed to be the party of "small government," though lately, they have been anything but.  I can't think of anything more invasive than telling a woman what she can and can't do with her own body.  Add that to legislating morality, banning books (which Palin has tried before), and prying into our private lives in a hunt for supposed "terrorists."

    I'm not saying that the democrats don't have problems too.  They do, by virtue of the fact that they are politicians too.  In my mind, the government should protect us and provide for us, buy stay out of our private lives.  Modern republicans have it reversed:  they endanger our safety (by attacking other nations while neglecting defense), cut public services, and pry into our personal lives while forcing upon us their religious values (which in itself is a clear violation of our founding fathers' intentions).

  4. Abortions are stupid. g*y people deserve equal rights. Mc Cain is weird but funny Obama is husseins cousin.

  5. Outlawing abortion will not stop it happening, just drive it underground.  Improving social services for unwed mothers and unwanted children reduces incidents of abortion.

    The only reason the state is involved in marriage is for contractual legal and property issues.  Which marriages it recognizes is irrelevant as long as the contract is signed.





    Both parties are consumed with "winning" regardless of policy, but of the two, the Democrats are currently more likely to help you keep your house and feed your children.

  6. I'm a Christian Democrat.  I would never vote for anyone in the Republican Party.  I believe homophobia is sinful and immoral and I could not support any political party which promotes it.  McCain's nonsense about being inclusive is absurd.  His idea of inclusiveness does not include g*y Americans or our families.  He's had 30 years in government to make "change."  He's part of the problem, not the solution.  After 8 years of the mess created by Republicans, I'm not sure how you could even entertain the notion of continuing their reign.

  7. I was Christian Democrat back in the late 70's, Now, I'm a Pagan Republican... go figure.

  8. You don't have to vote exclusively on one or two issues alone. Vote for who you think will make this country and world a better place. You're torn because you need to search for what really matters most in your life. Good luck!

  9. Nobody ever said you had to choose between either the Democratic candidate or the Republican, there are always other candidates on the ballot, even if you wrote in the name of a person who is constitutionally eligible to be president then the vote counts.  It makes no sense to vote for someone you don't believe in just because they have a good chance to win, there are other options.

  10. I'm Christian and I'm a democrat.  I just can't handle the lousy economy and warmongering of the Republican party.  Sorry, I'd rather have g*y marriages and abortions.  Call me crazy.

  11. My Dad was a devout Christian and a democrat. He voted for the Democrats because they are for unions.  

  12. I think because ur one of the people who have morals and standards and u  know whats right and whats wrong, especially if u consider urself in the church..i mean, most things that are wrong, they want us to ignore and act like its the 'norm' and its not,im not a christian, im a hebrew israelite, but i understand what ur saying..Shalom

  13. Don't vote at all. It's not like it's really going to make a difference anyway. Democrat or Republican, they're all still politicians and it's all still politics of the wealthy.

    Politics= "Poly"- meaning many, and "tics"= bloodsucking parasites.

  14. Maybe you have an inkling that something is ultimately wrong with the McCain Campaign.

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