
Any EFFECTIVE and EASY way in recycling or disposing of wastes??

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i'm looking for the hassle free one.




  1. trash in trash can and recyclables in the bin

  2. Sorry, you're going to have to make some effort and stick to the plan, but it's so worth it.  

    For vegetable waste (food and yard stuff), compost it.  Create a heap in your back yard or patio away from the house (it will get warm, rot and draw flies).  Turn the heap every few days with a shovel or rake.  In a few weeks you'll have nice, rich stuff you can put on your plants and lawn.  

    Other food waste (especially fat and bones) need to go in trash bags (preferably biodegradable.  

    Plastic, paper, glass and aluminum packaging material (most of what we throw out) can be recycled.  Assign one big trash cans to each of glass and aluminum and take it to a recycling center - or let one of your more industrious neighbors have it free.  Paper can be burned if you have a fireplace or wood-burning stove (they pollute the air however).  

    Plastic is the biggest offender in landfills as most of what we use does n't biodegrade and will blow around the country for eons.  This, too, will change with consumer demand for biodegradable plastics.  Mostly, we can reduce waste by cooking from scratch so we don't bring home all that packaging in the first place.  

    One of my favorite contributions is recycling my laundry water to the garden.  The outgoing water is channeled into a big trash can equipped with a pressure-sensitive sump pump (total investment about $200 - this is the type of pump used to remove water from crawl spaces under homes when they fill with rain or ground water).  Garden hose attached to sump pump leads out of the garage into the patio.  I live in a small townhome and have a smallish patio that's kept clean and the plants watered and fertilized (they like the phosphates in the detergent).  Of 12 S. California months I don't use this method only for about 2 - 3 winter months - rainy season.

  3. I am the only one in the family who really cares, so I had to make recycling easy or I wouldn't get the others to do their part. My plan is simple, I have two garbage cans in the kitchen, they are in a cabinet and they are connected. One is for garbage the other for recyclables. When the bin is full it is taken to the outside garbage area and is sorted. I also have a paper only trash can in the den, which is where I sort the mail and pay bills. I've recently added a small can with a lid for my kitchen green waste, I feen most of it to my new worm farm, Lots of fun, or I can just toss it into the grenn waste bin near the garbage can.

    I allow my son to keep all the money from the recycling to help motivate him to sort it all, that includes items we don't get paid for like paper and some plastics.

    Recycle bins can be anything that works for you, they can be attractive or hidden. I just know that if you have to take a trip to the garage everytime you pour a soda you are not as likely to put it in the recycle bin.  

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