
Any Early Childhood Educators Opinion on Job?

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I am considering a career in Early Childhood Education. I know the pay isnt that great, but I'm hoping for a job that at least pays enough for comfortable living. My concern though is this - I have heard alot of ECE's say 'dont do it'. It makes me nervous that I may regret becoming an ECE. I do love working with children but as I get older, am I going to enjoy it less? Are there any ECE's out there that love their job? How long have you had your job? Thanks!




  1. I'm not in the childcare profession but I'll give you my opinion anyway, a girl I know got into childcare and the pay is c**p unless you plan on working your way up to be the manager or whatever they call it - the owner of the childcare centre theres really no point indoing the job, they get the majority of the money so obviously they get better pay, the others don't. Your going to be changing nappies, probably going home everyday with a headache and cleaning up vomit, do you honestly think it's worth it to be just "comfortable"?

  2. you should get a teaching degree and teach kindergarten if you like being around little kids. and then you have the degree to fall back on later in life or future to further your education.

  3. Aim high :-)  Early Childhood can be very rewarding but you are right...the pay is not exceptional...but it's doable if you are single.  It also depends on where you live.  When I worked in the city I made about $4.50 more and hour than what I can get here in the rural area.  So as a single person who budgeted...I did okay.  

    Back to aiming high...I find that much discontent is usually amongst the aides/assistants...these, unfortunately, are very low paying and transitional we need experience in but don't want to do all our lives.  Just keep that in want to get your teaching certificate...that way you have more options in the early childhood field.  Daycares tend to have a high turn over rate...look into early childhood centers etc...the people there are usually "lifers" in the early childhood field and have a decent education.  The attitude is much more positive.  With a bacherlor's degree in education you can be more than just an aide.  

    A comment toward your question about enjoying it less...if children really are your calling in life....I doubt you are going to enjoy working with them less over the years.  Usually the opposite happens...the more experience you have the more appreciation you have for education/children/research and the more you "give".

  4. been at it for 20 years, would have made a fortune doing other things but doing something that you love is very rewarding.

    yes i take vacations! and have a Corvette!

  5. i highly suggest you get your teaching degree and teach in a school system.  e.c.e. in a childcare center does not really allow for a liveable wage (especially for what you do).  and the regulations you have to follow are endless and one wrong move can cost you your career (i've seen this happen many times).  even as a director you will only earn about 30-35 year.  now, that's not bad, but that's for a 50-60 hour work week.  you end up making less than the teachers.

    i recently retired from childcare after 25 years.  i started as a teacher and worked my way up to director.  it's a difficult process to work as a teacher while going to school.  although it can be done, it isn't always worth the struggle.  you have very littler interaction with the kids, have to put up with parents who are insufferable and teachers who want the money without doing the job or are calling out all the time.

    get your degree as a teacher and leave the administration to others.  enjoy the kids and have your summers off.

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