Imagine a given calendar month, lined up by weeks, starting monday and ending sunday. At the beginning is the last few days of the previous month, and at the end is the first days of the next month. Now imagine you have a sales goal of X. How do you write a formula that will count the days in the week, ignoring the previous and next month, check the number of days in the month (28,29,30,31?) and pop out a sales goal of W=X*D, where W is the goal for only that week and D is the decimal that corresponds to how much weight the week is given toward the monthly total.
For instance, if February started on a monday and ended on a sunday, each week would be given a weight of .25.
I finally got this crappy spreadsheet automated to the point where all you have to do is type in the names of each employee once and it populates the whole sheet, the hours they work in a day, the monthly goal, and the date of the first monday before the month starts, which assigns the rest of the dates. With all that automation, it seems silly to quit there and recalculate a week's fraction every time.
10 points to the answer that helps me the most.