
Any Geminis on here who conform to type. I do and believe I have two natures and the bugggggers fight with?

by  |  earlier

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each other, one the lady, and the other the feisty, up for anything. Love to heear your opinions.




  1. I'm a Gemini but I don't have two sides to my nature

  2. I am totally a typical Gemini!

    Every1 thinks I'm a nutter and my family/friends/other half hav trouble keeping up...other half is actually very good tho..he can recognise 'which' one he is wi (ok that sounds mad but other Geminis wil get me lol) and adjust to that.....he's a pisces.

  3. My gemini beloved...I see two sides to him and sometimes I think am I watching two different versions of a times it is like a shock, i even get a bit concerned because the change in mood, tone, vibes or attitude have a drastic change.

    One minute he would be so loud that the house is so vibrant and full of energy with his story telling then he would fade into the environment as quiet and shy as anything...and as i generally like him and well i can pick up on changes..i realise when the changes happen. Most of the time when he goes in that mode he is observing the environment, people within it and how they's like he is watching to see who is true and who is the traitor.

    Another scenario which reflects this is my cousin is dating one of his friend's:

    So my cousin was in the car with his friend (My cousin is a gemini and his friend is a scorpio). Then his scorpio friend is giggling with him in happiness saying to him "awww you see this is my lady" and my gemini beloved was laughing saying "awww i know" then he changes..and i mean changes whilst still laughing but his tone of voice changes from high pitch laughing to deep pitch no laughter, "yea...and if you play with her in a bad way and treat her will have me to deal with".

    My gemini cousin expressed to me later -"awww your one is so know when he did that it kind of worried me, but i ain't going to lie because i am the same. I change just the same and can relate to his ways" and I said to her "I guess it is a gemini thing...because i certainly picked up on that and i know another nature ain't far behind in terms of gemini's changing." At this time she didn't know he was a gemini and when i said that she was so relieved like awww she ain't alone...she had found someone she could relate too.

    But to be honest with my gemini beloved it is almost like he feels my emotions and knows what i am feeling as it seems he adapts similar to my moods, vibes and attitude. Many people..even my gemini cousin stated shockingly to me the other day that we  are very similar. But the difference is he is in another zone and i am more in tune.

    Oh in regards to my gemini cousin, she has two sides to her..she has the side which i call the surface that she presents to people when she sees them first which is the innocent, sweet, quiet and shy approach..but when you get to know had be amazed by the other side which is feisty, rude, direct, blunt, jokey, funny and that girl can swear, it's very disgusting (lol). Love her to bits.

    I'm a sag ;-)

  4. I'm a gemini, and I have two sides too, to everything. It sucks, and no one seems to understand it. : ( Except other geminis.

    I try to be consistent, though, with people, because I seem to attract scorpios who don't have the CAPACITY to understand my nature, so I have to be just one person, lol.

    On the other hand, with my other air sign friends and stuff, they understand me.. they're almost the same way, haha!

  5. I'm a gem, actually we have more than two sides - as do all other people. It's worth getting to know (or know about) all the different aspects of yourself.


  7. I do, i am a sweet loving person who gives it all,the othe side ov me is callous,heartless and a complete *****

  8. I was all fired up to answer this......but then read the answer above.

    I have now lost the will to live, lol.

    Ok......I don't actually know what a typical Gemini is......I am Gemini (9th June)........but two natures?

    I only really ever operate on 'laid back' mode, I'm afraid.


  9. I'm a Gemini but i don't know what a Gemini type is, yes i do, oh shut up, no you shut up.

  10. to Ron...have you been re-hearsing that?...i think you were rushing it a little bit......i have a funny feeling the girl who asked this question,has a birth chart completely different to all those people you mentioned, someone should really tell you to do something about that hat.

  11. I love answering these questions even though I've no hope of getting the best answer unless it goes to voting, because usually the people who ask them actually believe that there are 500 million people out there who share the same characteristics as themselves.

    Did you know for instance that you share the same sign as Peter Sutcliffe, Pol Pot and the Marquis de Sade?

    Did you know that in the 2,000 years the zodiac signs have moved forward by one complete sign, because of the earth's out of balance rotation?

    You should therefore be looking at Taurean traits, so that's ok then, because your sign is shared by Saddam Hussein, Jeffrey Dahmer the man who killed 17 men and boys,oops! I nearly forgot that nice John Wilkes Booth.

    Please do not vote for the best answer yourself, let's see how many rational people there are out there.

    Now are you beginning to see the stupidity of it all?

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