
Any Good Mommies Out There?

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I posted this question in "Health" and got 0 answers, so I know that a good mommy might hve the answer! I am sooooo SICK!!!!

I have the worst sinus infection ever! I must go to work, which means no time to see a doc in the near future. Any suggestions on what OTC meds that work, or any good home remedies. I am congested, stopped up nose one minute, runny the next, and i have a tummy ache. HELP!




  1. If you indeed DO have a sinus infection, you should see a doctor because it can turn into something far more serious if left unattended.

    However, you could just have a cold or a mild sinus bug that could respond to OTC meds.  I have found Advil Cold and Sinus to be very good in alleviating all those irritating sinus symptoms.  The tummy ache you have is from the sinus drainage.  I would try to treat that with Maalox or Tums and a bland diet until things improve.

  2. My husband uses Advil cold and sines or Dayquile. You might go to a urgent care after work to be seen. Just to make sure there is nothing else going on. You could even go on Saturday.  

  3. Theraflu or Dayquil worked the best for me! I really hope you feel better!  

  4. i was just like that a few days ago an i took allergy relif it was gone like taht

  5. Colloidal Silver will clear it right up. How do I know? My husband and I both have had them before and within 1-2 days they are gone using the Colloidal Silver sprayed in the nose and internally.

    I have been using it for years for various infection. It has zero side effects and will not turn you blue-ha. Myth that most people believe.  

  6. The last time I had a sinus infection, my Dr. told me to take Mucinex.  I know that they market it for lung congestion, but it works wonders for sinuses.  Take that twice a day, drink like a fish and with in a couple of days it should really start breaking up and getting out.  

    I took that and put my head over a big bowl of steamy water twice a day, and honestly after a couple of days it was like all of a sudden someone turned on a big faucet connected to my forehead - I blew my nose for what seemed like forever, and after that the massive pressure was gone.  (Sorry if that was tmi, I just totally sympathize with how you must feel right now.)

    Good luck and get better soon!

  7. Sudafed cold and sinus.

  8. I get chronic sinus infections.... saline spray is the best thing!!  Take a hot shower and then spray!!  Afrin works well, but ends up making your symptoms worse so you have to wean yourself off of it.

  9. Try drink it mixed with hot water. It ALWAYS has done me well. Good Luck!!

  10. I always use either Tylenol cold or the generic (Walmart Equate brand) of it.  It works amazing!!  Try sucking on a peppermint for the upset stomach.

  11. actually I take cold and flu med when Im  sick and it always works! I keep that stuff around!

  12. Try taking sudafed for the congestion. Saline Nasal spray (or if your brave enough, just salt water) will help the infection... blow your nose as much as possible. If its green, you need to go to the doctor though.

    Your stomach is upset because your sinuses are draining down your throat so try to keep it running and keep blowing it out until its passes.

  13. Take Tylenol Cold it is wonderful, and doesn't make me feel worse. As for the tummy..just eat crackers and lay off sugar.

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