
Any Homeschoolers out there?

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Just a few questions:

1. What's your schedule for the whole day?

2. How many hours a day do you spend on your schoolwork?

3. Do you have any friends?

4. Do you use books?

5. Do you do all of your work through a computer or through books?

My family is thinking about homeschooling me, and these were a few of the questions! All answers are appreciated, I am truly grateful! Thank you and God bless!




  1. Homeschool Parent

    does Paces

    math , litature , science , word building , social studies , english , history , bible , etc etc

    Its christian based teaching

    its 6 1/2 to 7 hrs per day

    some longer some shorter

    yes she has friends

    and are giving also computer based classes

    state of the art training basic computer skills

    for the work place and college challenges

    may sound expensive , but compared to what is required in

    public schools , its very cheap !!

  2. Schedule


    My 9th grade son's schedule:

    Yearly: start August 13th - will end probably mid May.

    ACT Test April

    Summer always includes at least one educational camp.


    Mon: Jr. Toastmasters every other Monday

    Tue: Coop classes from 8:30 - 2:00

    Wed: History, Spanish, Student Newspaper / Journalism + Youth group

    Thu: Coop classes from 8:30 - 2:00

    Fri: History, Spanish, Student Newspaper / Journalism

    Reading in the evenings & whenever.

    Throughout the week as time allows and sometimes weekends: apprenticeship work, web development, exercise, computer game development, computer animation, music.


    Hours per day: 6 - 10


    Friends: Yes


    Books: Yes - a wide variety


    Computer: Only for Rosetta Stone Spanish and online homeschool student newspaper work.  Next year we may add a dual credit online course through Indiana University.


    As you can see, we take what I think is an eclectic approach. We pick and choose what we think will work best depending on the subject and other considerations.

    That works best for us rather than going with the "homeschooling in a box" approach.

    You may want to see the similar questions I link to below...

  3. 1. Yepp i do math, science, Writting, Readding, History that it

    2.i spend 8:00 to 2:00


    4.yepp mostly

  4. Yes

    1. Changes from day to day, for example today we were at the library from 2:30 to 4:30, but that's only on Tuesdays. We get up around 8am, eat, do dishes and chores. Separate to our own interests, with mom going from person to person to provide help and do chores in those areas. Lunch around 11pm, do dishes and chores, work on whatever projects we have, run errands etc. Dinner at 6pm, family games and together time, bed whenever we feel tired.

    2. Zero. We're unschoolers. But when we were doing school at home, maybe two hours total.

    3. Yes, we have a ton of friends. Not a metric ton, of course, but many many. Too many to count.

    4. Only in that we utilize commercially published books from the library to further bolster our knowledge base. As school-at-homers, we had a books for government and civics, and science, and saxon math books.

    5. We do all of our work through life. We use both online resources and books to supplement knowledge attainment.

  5. From my 9 y.o. DS's point of view:

    ** 1. What's your schedule for the whole day?

    It varies by day, but typically 2-3 hrs of curriculum work, then 3 hrs of independent study (self-directed), and 1-2 hours of sports, clubs, field trips, etc.  On Fridays:  3 hours of HS co-op.

    ** 2. How many hours a day do you spend on your schoolwork?

    2-3 hrs on the "set" curriculum:  Language Arts (Literature, Vocabulary, Composition, Grammar, Handwriting, Speech, Spelling, Analogies); Science (this year a mix of Chemistry & Physics); History (last year of a four-year chronological study of world history); Art (meshes with History); Math (Algebra I); Bible; Music.

    ** 3. Do you have any friends?

    That is a strange question.  Of course!  Friends at my sports activities, friends at HS co-op, friends at bible club, friends at church (different than bible club), friends at Cub Scouts, neighborhood friends, and other friends of all ages since I'm out in the community all the time.

    ** 4. Do you use books?

    This is also strange - of course!!!  I have text books and workbooks.  We also have a huge home library and we go to the public library at least twice a week.

    ** 5. Do you do all of your work through a computer or through books?

    I have an online curriculum, so some of my work in on the pc and some is offline.  My Algebra I course is on CD-roms and in a text (Teaching Textbooks).  I also have supplemental subscriptions to:  Cosmeo, Brain Pop, Explore Learning, and CyberEd.

  6. math, science, history, and language arts.


    lots i go to church and have lots of friends at church

    no we do ours on computers and i LOVE IT!

    Good luck!


  7. The schedule differs, we do have a routine which works better than trying to schedule "school".

    Since we all have good, and bad days' we flex and adjust accordingly.

    We spend about an hour one on one with each child, they do their "book work", and than we learn together by reading, discussing, working together, and the use of many different games.

    The children, and teens have many friends, home schooled and schooled.

    Sometimes we have to make sure there is enough time for "school", and cut back on activities with friends.

    We use a multitude of books, good, living books, very few textbooks, magazines, newspapers; the house looks like a library.

    We use all kinds of media Cd's DVDs, TV, music, books on tape, and the computer.

    They are tools to help us with finding information, and open doors to things we had not considered learning about until a good book, or something in these media raised our curiosity.

    I hope your home schooling adventure will be blessed, good luck.

  8. Okay I'm not answering this question, sorry, and I've always wanted to be homeschooled; I think it would be really neat. Anyway, it just makes me wonder how effective homeschooling is sometimes because the kids tend to be able to study as few or as many subjects as they want. I have a friend who only studied history for a whole year and it's allowed through the homeschooling system. So as long as it's a nice balanced education with math and science, music, physical education [maybe going out and playing sports for half-an-hour], etc. I would go for homeschooling. It's just the way some people abuse the system.

    Good luck and I hope you have fun if you get homeschooled [and if you don't, lol]!

    God bless you too . . . so nice to hear that!

  9. 1.  I homeschool my three kids.  My oldest daughter is in 9th grade,  at the beginning of the week I give her a list of what needs to be done each day, she decides when to do it, but needs to have it all done at the end of the week.  She gets me if she needs help with something.

    Then I have one Kindergartner and one Second grader.  

    Our schedule is a little different each day... because sometimes my son fiddles around and takes forever to complete a simple task, while other times he is on the ball and finishes before lunch.

    2. My 9th grader (the one you can probably relate to best) takes about 4 hours a day on average.  

    3.  My 9th grader *could* use a few more friends in my opinion.  She has lots of friends at youth group and enjoys the group very much, but  she only has one friend she sees outside of Church and Youth Group.  This is largely her choice though, she used to go to boys and girls club and had some friends there, but she decided she had other things to do with her time.  She must be fairly happy with homeschooling because for 2 or 3  years now she has had the choice of going to school if she wanted to or staying in homeschool, and she has chosen homeschool.

    4.  We use books, some textbooks, some reference books, some workbooks, lots of literature.  We also do a few subjects from computer based curriculum (Switched On Schoolhouse).

    5. Hmm. I answered this on #4

    I will star this because my daughter comes on this site now and then too, and she is in my contacts.  Maybe she'll answer too.

  10. 1) do school when i feel (right now i have World History, Chemistry, PoetSpeak, ReadersWriters Workshop and Senior iLearning)

    2) usually like 4

    3) yea i do my school online we have a forum and so i have friends through my online school and local friends

    4) some of the classes require books others dont my classes dont i jus use Google or wiki.


  11. I'll answer on behalf of some teens I know:

    1) This is variable. One girl I know well works pretty much from 9:00- 11:30, then 1-3. I know some others who worked in a very focused manner from 8am - 12pm each day and had the rest of the day free. Others have more of an unschooled style and don't have a set schedule.

    2) Spend about 4-6 hours on work (this doesn't include additional time for phys.ed. type activities or just general reading).

    3) Yes, they all have friends. They might have them through sports or homeschooling activities or other things, but they have friends. If you make sure to be social, you'll have friends.

    4) Yes, they all use books.

    5) Only a couple I know do it through the computer. The rest use books.

  12. 1.  I have four courses that I am currently working on:





    2.  I spend at least 4 hours on my work.  But I can take days off when I want to or do more work hours if I want. :D

    3.  Yes, I have some.  I also have a huge family which I am thankful for :D

    4.  Yes, I use books.  I do all my work on seperate pieces of paper, and read the books.  

    5.  I do my work through books

    Your Welcome!

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