
Any Homeshooler's out there?

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Well, I am 13, and I am home-schooled. Anyone else think Disney Channel gives a bad name to Home-schooled kids, I mean, we got just as hard as every other kid, right? Oh and by the way I was in school until I was a 4th grader, so I'm not socially null.




  1. You know, I don't normally watch the Disney Channel, but I have to say, I get several different responses when I tell people I'm home schooled. The first usually is,"So, how do you make friends?" *sigh* I here that A LOT! Don't people realize that there are several different ways we home schoolers socialize! lol

  2. I don't know what disney channel says about us, but. WE ARE NOT SOCIALLY DEPRIVED!!! I take tennis lessons, Dance, Piano, And french Horn Lessons, I have a Ton of friends, and I take band at a public school, I wish people would stop saying that we have no friends, school is not only for friends, its for learning!!! P.S. My best Friend lives right by me, and I'm friends with her friends from school, I have alot of friends,

  3. YEAH

  4. I don't like the way homeschoolers and homeschooling are portrayed in the media. No matter what, there's always a separateness, something to make it a bigger deal than it actually is.

    I don't watch much TV -for screens I prefer video games because they're interactive- so I haven't watched Disney but I have a pretty good idea of what it is.

    Why can't there just be a normal kid who was homeschooled, and not because he or she was running around in Africa or because his or her parents are fundies or because he or she is a genius. Why can't there just be a homeschooled kid who's normal?

  5. Hi.

    My older children were homeschooled. Two still are, and two are doing some online college, while they work for a year.

    I don't know who people listen to that give them such silly notions.

    I have no idea how the Disney Channel potrays homeschooled children, but I can imagine. It's a shame really. It seems as if the misinformed expect homeschooled children to emerge from their homes after many years in captivity, looking like Rip Van Winkle.

    To those who ask about socialization, I reply, "We live in a neighborhood with the usual assortment of people (children, adults and teens). There are parks and other places for the children to play, meet,  and interact with their friends. There are areas to skate and skateboard; play basketball and opportunities to participate in other activities, as well.

    My children also have cousins who (quelle surprise!) know other people. Their friends know other people. The other people know other people. They have a considerable social network.

    Those who have the wrong idea about the homeschooled,  have the wrong 'H': homeschooled does not mean hermit. The students are not socially deprived. Nor  are they deprived in any other way.

    To borrow your words, homeschoolers are not 'socially null'.

    Hope this helps you determine how to respond to people.

    Hope I helped. God bless you.

  6. Actually, looking at trailers for movies like Bratz and Sweet 16, it looks like Disney does get some things right.

  7. I am 13 also, and I have been homeschooled all my life in Texas. Disney Channel is  totally wrong! I have lots of friends, I take piano, play soccer, and I am in 4-H. Most of the time homeschoolers are more social and smarter than those who are not!

  8. No The home schooled  are all in the unemployment line,

    get a real education , your parents will always be as  dumb,

    if you don't believe me, look at the dump you live in ,

    they owe more money than the Arabs have,

    and will ever get out of dept. go to school quit hiding  in the house.

    Grade four indeed.

    " you are dumber than a  5 th grader"

  9. I love being home schooled, personally i feel like im learning so much more then i ever would have at my old school. Im a junior in high school, and up until last year i went to normal school. I have plenty of social skills, and more friends then i need. The last thing i need is for people to be talking c**p about how homeschooling is stupid or doesnt work! i wish i could tell everyone what i do on a daily basis and how the program i am in is run... then they would all take there freaking kids and do the same thing.

    and i hate how i have to be ashamed to tell people i am homeschooled when they ask where i go to school. we need to spread the word about home schooling.

  10. what exactly does the disney channel say about homeschoolers?

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