
Any Idea's On A Toy For My Female Pet Rat?

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I Have Made Up Lots Of Things Such As Pinyata's And Toilet Roll Tubes-But Shes Not Interested-When I Get Her Out I Put Her On My Bed With A Quilt Dobled Over And Pushed Up-So It Forms Liike A Tunnell-Now She Wont Come Out Lol She Loves It!!

But Has AnyBody Got Any Ideas For Cheap HomeMade Toys I Can Make Her That Wont Scare Or Kill Her/Make Her Ill!!

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Please She's Really Bored-I Gave Her A Bath And She Was Smimming So Nothing Like That Please Thanks xx




  1. An x box.

  2. My Rats love their digging box, they are easy to make first you need a flat is container I use a flat Tupperware box fill this with soil  and then sprinkle some grass seeds on the top( you can get grass seeds form you local garden centre)  put it in a sunny place and water it every few days,   once the grass has grown put it in your rats cage.  One word of warning though my rats fling clumps of dirt and grass everywhere so its best to put it in their cage on the day you clean it.  

    Another idea is to fill a cardboard box with crumpled up paper,  toilet paper tubes and scraps of material and sprinkle a few of your rats favourite treats inside the box.  Put your rats inside they will spend rummaging round.  

  3. If she is on her own then the best thing you could get her would be a friend or two as rats thrive when given other rattie company :)

  4. You have mentioned tubes and tunnels. You're exactly right with that. Rats really enjoy going through tunneling, it's extremely fun and engaging for them. I would recommend that you place empty toilet paper rolls in her cage, which are safe to chew, which will also help with not having overgrown teeth, and are fun and safe to run through!

    Another thing that your rat might enjoy is a little extra bedding, which she can really make a borough out of! I would make it an inch or two higher than normal, and see what she does! I did this with my previous hamster, and he loved it ever since! This also helped with his temperament, because he was happier and more cheerful.

    Good luck!

  5. Cracker bread they love it. I used to take my rat into the garden with my son and he would run from one to the other of us, so tame. We used to put him on a table whilst we watched tv and he jumped onto our laps so each time we moved it further away it was amazing the length he could jump, he only wanted our attention and company. He used to sit on my neck for hours tail wrapped around my throat whiskers sniffing. He was a lovely affectionate clingy pet.  

  6. this website useful- for home made ray toys.

  7. a hammock that sways around- they really like that

    super pet veggie basket- you can make something ike it on your own, just get a bell and some paper clips and hang them from the top of the cage

    fill a big box with bedding ( like 2 feet of it) and let her dig around in it.

  8. I would get the mouse a wheel to run un but be carefull mine loves to run and i hear squeaking from the wheel at night they are nocturnal so keep wd 40 in stock lol

  9. Well make a sort of run thing. Put Big Objects Aka A box or a thick foler and make a square run. Then build loads of slide , ramps and those sort of things with books and boxes.

    I have 2 gerbils and i did that with my brother and it is funnnyyyy. Make sure you put newspapaer down first though because she may pee or p**p!

    Hope this helps you and your ratt xxxx

  10. Your rat is probably bored because she needs a buddy. You should ALWAYS adopt rats in pairs. Lone rats need a lot of attention, but even if you give them hours of attention, nothing can compare to the companionship of another rat. You can't get in the cage and cuddle with her or sleep with her at night, and that is what they need. Rats are very social animals.

  11. Try a wheel or like you said get something from home a  clean bit of wood that she can chew on my hamster loves doing that!

  12. a male pet rat  or a mansion with lots of tubes or a swimming pool and tennis courts

  13. A male rat. Soon she will have LOTS of company!

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