
Any Idea why my crested gecko tail come off?

by Guest45152  |  earlier

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last nite when i went to mist him i noticed his tail came off i was rather shocked as i never witnessed any of my other lizards tail coming off. should i be worried because now hes got a wee red spot where the tail came off. But he wasnt bleeding or anything like that.

So any ideas why might his tail come off? His enclosure is 24inchesx24inchesx12inches. i mist around three times a day and have a infra red heat bulb at one end and a heat mat which he usually goes on top off, you think it could be the heat mat?

Also i remember having a cricket in there last night but i dunno if the cricket could have caused him to shed the tail off because the gecko is bigger and he eats them.

Any help will be appreciated thanks




  1. Brazil

  2. did u scare him cos lizards do that when grows back though so dont worry

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