
Any Ideas ,, IM 13 and NEED a job?

by Guest57477  |  earlier

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hi ,, i rele need a job,, i need to earn some money ,, the only job i can think of is a paper round and im gonna start that but i need dome other ideas if i dont like this one ,, and suggestions???




  1. Stop asking this question!  It's driving me crazy!  Babysitter, yard work, cleaning houses, lemonade stand.  Next time check to see if anyone else has asked this question before posting.

    Oh, and Glen, when I type in "job for 13 year old" I got over 3,000 hits.  Are you going to come up with something that hasn't been said thousands of times already?

  2. Baby sit, paper routes, mow lawns, work around the neighborhood, walk dogs, some resturants let you work, not sure if there are any in your area. Yard Sale? idk haha

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  4. ok i would ttly consider babysitting, and even if you dont really have anyone to babysit put up an add, or you could water the flowers for ppl who are on vacations or do some work for neighbors!!! =]]]

  5. Go around and ask people if they need their cars detailed or just washed for a fair price.Run an add in the paper for your service and especially ask your neighbors around you. Hope that will help and good Luck.

  6. Well since you're only 13 you're kind of limited. I'd suggest babysitting or maybe doing yard work for your neighbors. Good luck!

  7. Hi,

    For starters never mind the person that told you to "stop asking this type of question" You are free to answer any question you would like... That person had the option to NOT click on your question...

    Since you are 13 and many people have already said "paper route, mow lawns, walk dogs, etc.

    You can also try the following...

    Walk around your neighborhood and maybe wash some cars, help neighbors around at there house with odds and ends (cleaning, vacuum, dust, etc).. You can also walk dogs like people said! but how about give the dog a bath? maybe you can charge $5.00 bucks to walk the dog and charge another $5.00 to wash the dog (that's $10.00!!!!!). What about other neighborhood kids? help them with homework?

    Any how best of luck

  8. Chances are you're not gogni to get one.  I'm fifteen and I've been sking around a LOT lately, and most places say no, only hire 16 year olds.  The few places I've gone to where I've put in an application they only accept 15 year olds.  So, while I wish you luck on your endeavor, just stick with what yu have becasue it's likely all you'll get.

  9. ok im not to sure of other jobs for you

    but u said u need one incase u dont like this job.... well alot of people dont like their jobs and they get over it if u need a job that bad then u can get over it ur not special...

  10. At 13 your job choices are very limited.  

    To be legally "employed" you need to be at least 14 years of age.  Basically, no legitimate place that pays an hourly wage can hire you.

    Some possibilities besides the paper route you have could be mowing lawns, maybe shoveling show in the winter, or work at a local store or restaurant for under the table wages / non taxed wages.

    Once you turn 14, places that may hire you would be as follows:  Restaurant, as a busy boy or dish washer.  Store, as a bag boy or a cart returner.  Movie theater, taking tickets and such.  

    Until you turn 14 though, your choices are pretty limited.

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