
Any Ideas on how to propose and when?

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I plan on asking my girlfriend to marry me,I want to do it in a way that she will remember and that fits me. My brother suggested around halloween because of my punk style and because it's my favorite holiday but I don't think I can wait that long I want to do it within the next month or so. Any ideas about how to make this memorable for her and I and fit so that it in a me way. I can't think of anything!!




  1. There are some things that you need to consider - mostly, what would SHE be comfortable with....if she is shy or keeps to herself she may want it to be private, if she is a people person and enjoys attention then she may want to be around others - make sure you keep that piece in mind.  Now as far as making it memorable for her - it will honestly not matter - it will be something she will never forget regardless of how you do it -  I honestly think that the person that gets engaged with an airplane banner and the person that gets engaged simply at their house will remember the moment equally as much - it will just be different memories.  Personally, I think doing it "out of the blue" - no special occassion, just a regular day where she wouldn't even consider that it would happen is the best choice...the suprise will really make it special.   As far as how to go about doing it - how about going to the place that you first met or where you had your first date?  It is simple, yet meaningful.  And that would also give you the opportunity to make it as public or private as you want.  Good luck!

  2. u love her so u must b knowing what she likes the best. if she likes a quiet place occasionally, then organize a dinner at your place. soft music, candle light mayb. and i the middle of the dinner...propose.

    good luck.

  3. Do it spontaneously and in a unique way. Something she'll remember it by!

    Some girls dont need anything fancy, who whole thing is magical enough for them.

    Good Luck!

  4. I say take her to a family thanks giving dinner place the ring on her favorite desert then ask her in front of her family, i think she will never forget that.

  5. Just get down on one knee and tell her you want to spend the rest of your life with her.  Seriously, most women don't need anything big or fancy.  It is special enough to know that the man we love wants the relationship to be forever.  But, whatever you do, don't propose in front of a crowd.  One of the things women look forward to is calling everybody and sharing the good news.  Plus, I would want it to be a private moment because after I said yes, I would be taking him to the bedroom!!  Congratulations and good luck.

  6. Do it in a way that fits you both.  Is she punk too? Do you guys like going to shows together?  Try talking to someone in the band (well in advance!) to see if you can get up on stage to propose. I saw this done once and it was the sweetest thing.  If that's not possible, I would send her on a treasure hunt...  have her go to the places that are special to you both, leave her a little gift, a love note and a clue as to where to go next... and then finally she'll get to you and you'll be on bended knee proposing!!  The bended knee part is very important, remember!!  

  7. I'm just going to brainstorm here and list all the things that come to mind!

    -scavenger hunt, with you and the ring at the end

    -send flowers, little things throughput the day -then at the end of the day take her out to dinner and have the waiter bring the ring out like it's the "main course"

    -go to california and write it in the sand on the beach

    -go to the movies and have it pop up on the screen

    -order a pizza one night and have it written in pepperonies

    -hide the ring in ice cream/etc. that you share & once she finds it get down on one knee

    -I saw this in the movie Serendipity and though it was cool: cover her room (or most commonly visited place) with rose petals(or you don't have to necessarily) - put a large present in the center of the room and have her keep opening a smaller and smaller box inside the other until she gets to the smallest box...the ring box! then come out and make it official

    I really hope this helps atleast inspire you. I know you want to make this special -you will;o) Congratulations and all the best of luck to you-God Bless and have fun with it!

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