
Any Indian who can help me fpr getting admitted in Harvard (Kennedy school of Governance).?

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Working as a scientist (since 8 years) and 30 years in age. I need clear plan how to get 700+ in GMAT, who will help me in other visa etc. process in India. Due to nature of present work I have to stay in remote areas of Madhya Pradesh. How can best I plan my coming months so that I could get into by 2009 session there.




  1. since u hv a computer, email harvard - they will consider u...

  2. Hi Sudhakar, I'm not Indian but I did go to undergrad at Harvard , broke the 700 barrier on my GMAT, and was recently invited to an admissions salespitch at their Business School.

    My gut tells me that you'll need a high GMAT score, but also a "wow" factor in terms of your leadership experience. Harvard Business school admits are judged by their  academic potential, leadership ability, and one other criterion that I can't remember (probably professional experience). You might directly contact the KSG's admission office to see what criteria they look for when evaluating applicants.

    IMHO, much of whether or not you get admitted will come down to your ability to communicate a compelling vision of how a KSG degree will help you make a positive impact on the world, on a great scale.

    My outline for a great GMAT score is as follows:

    1) Practice with a free quiz bank. There's a free one online at . It has about 400 questions.

    2) Get a personal tutor from craigslist.

    3) Buy Manhattan GMAT's books. They are the gold standard.

    4) Free GMAT prep software is directly downloadable from GMAT itself at Save it for last, because it will reveal to a very close degree how you will perform on your real GMAT. Manhattan GMAT has some good CATs that will be representative of your score, but their math sections take way too long.

    5) If you're not comfortable with your score, don't take the test until you feel you can get the score you need. Again, try a free practice site like

    6) The GMAT is tough. Expect to get many quant questions wrong, especially in DS, even if you're looking to break the 700 level.

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