
Any Info on hybrids????

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the car




  1. Like putting a band-aid on a ruptured aorta.

  2. Hybrids, touted as the "eco" cars of tomorrow are nothing but political flag ships for people to boast they care about the planet...without actually doing anything for the planet.

    So, now that the reality is sinking in, the only real use a hybrid has is for the person that doesn't want to be dependant on as much gas as they have used in the past. It might help your personal finances in the long run, but the cars / suv's now that are hybrid cost more than regular cars.

    Alot of the ignorant think the big oil companies are the problem when its simply their own government causing alot of the problem. The enviormental whacko's have alot of pull and have politicians eating out of their hands. They get alot of campaign money from eco-freaks so why wouldn't they vote in some stupid bill that really wo'nt effect them.

    On the other hand, it was Bill Clinton that refused to sign onto drilling for our own oil and making more refineries 14 or so years ago. If he had, we would have 1 million barrels of our own to offset imports. Now its an enviormental, politically correct red tape problem from h**l.

    Its simply supply and demand for the most part, we have the oil, just no access to it due to freaks trying to control our lives....meanwhile , while America is forced to live by these whacky rules...other people are drilling for oil and selling it to their prices.

  3. Major U.S. (and Japanese) auto makers walk a stressful tight wire creating hybrid vehicles; akin to balancing "fuel friendly" car preformance w/out angering American Big Oil.

    Years ago, Ford---on a small controlled scale---distributed a radical full functional all electric vehicle called the EV series of mid-size cars and SUVs.  The EV vehicle series were amazing, for they preformed far better than internal combustion engine ( ICE ) vehicles AND proving eye-popping mileage between battery charges.

    Didn't take long for Big Oil to get pizzed off fast at Ford and their EV series.  Purportedly, after a few large manilla envelopes containing ugly blackmail material discreetly were atop the desks of major Ford corporate execs----the EV series was scrapped fast and hard.  In fact, Ford almost saw a mass scale employee assembly line revolt against the EV recall and subsequent orders to publicly crush / destroy the EV cars and SUVs.  Today, there only a handful of surviving Ford EVs, mainly stored in secure warehouses.

    But the short lived EV series DID eventually give rise to today's "hybrid" cars, produced on a very strict, small scale.

    Hybrid vehicles today offer anywhere between 28 to 37 MPG---enough not to upset American Big Oil.  On-board hybrid computers smoothly switch vehicle operation between electric and ICE function while in motion.

    Hybrid prices are still somewhat high, averaging $21k to $36k (depending on model).  And maintenance repairs on hybrid electric batteries is way WAY too high.

    Tesla motors, however, DOES manufacture fully functional all electric sportscars---for about the price of a Lamborghini---marketed to the wealthy......who evidently need a break from soaring per gallon gas prices!!  And to date, Tesla motors has not seen any major Big Oil harrassments stem from selling these all electric vehicles.......imagine that.

    You can draw your own conculsions on the question of there being a full scale nation-wide sales presentation of fully electric affordable vehicles anytime soon.

  4. hybrids are more expensive than the average car, but at least oil companies are not getting the money, and the money is financed in the first place.  For 40 extra dollars a month, you are getting much more back than you would if you had so spend your money on gas. Also, you coul spend your money or a geo metro  which is not glamorous, but gets as many miles to the gallon as a prius.

  5. Hybrids run on both electricity and gas, they have both an electric motor and a gas motor.  As you drive the hybrid it switches to and from the gas to the electricity.  Like when you are slowing down they switch to electricity and also when you are stopped they run on electricity.  When you are going down hill or using the break they actually charge the battery by regenerative breaking, so when you hit the break the energy is going back in the battery.  The new hybrids like the Pris do not need to be plugged in because they recharge the battery by their breaking system.  They may cost a bit more to buy, but hybrids are a huge money saver and they really limit the emissions.  They are great in the city because 25% of gas in an non-hybrid car is used when idling, like stoped at red lights, but not in a hybrid, they are idling on electricity!!

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