
Any Largemouth Bass fishing tips in a Florida Lake?

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I live on a large lake in Florida and I fish a lot on it but am not catching a lot of bass ill catch one or two one pound or two pounders but nothing bigger than that in a while. Any tips on bait, time of day, where to look for them? How do I know if theres bigger ones? lots of questions just try to help me out please.




  1. The largemouth bass cannot deny the urge to eat the BANJO MINNOW.  It is physically unable to not eat the BANJO MINNOW.  

    Actually, I just use plastic worms with those sliding bullet weights, and then kinda slowly jig the worm in... bass love 'em (in Texas).

  2. I agree, the Texas Rig 4-6" plastic worms prevail any time of year, and on any body of water.

    I have tons of crankbaits, spinner baits, etc...but for the big ones, slowly worked worms, jigs, and flippin' Sweet Beavers have hauled in some monsters, especially post spawn, in hot summer waters.

    The Secret Lures "Chubby" clear leg frog, for top water lily pad action, is my favorite!!! Now there's a fun catch!

    The newest producer, which I just ordered from Cabelas, is the 4" Lake Fork Ring Fry, because my partner was lighting them up last weekend, on a local lake, with those things. SWEET!

    Sunrise and Sunset are usually the best times to go.

  3. The bigger fish are there- sometimes they go through a stage of not biting. Then one day you make the same trip with the same lures and the bite is on! If in your case the bigger fish is never biting, you may have to change tactics. Go to some of the oversize plastics and fish a little more deeper waters -instead of the shore line, fish the underwater grass line located farther out from the bank-when you find the edge of the grass line where the deeper water starts to drop off past it, this is where you want to do your serious fishing.

    It also sounds as if you are fishing from the bank. This time of year, the bass are in deeper water then you can reach by bank fishing. Try to hook up with a friend that has a boat.

      As far as the best time of day, In a lifetime of fishing, I've found there is no set time for the fish to bite the best- some times the bite will be the best in the evening, sometimes in the morning, and at times the mid-day period is best. And then at times it is a night time feed going on. There is one thing you can count on- the bite will change after a few days!

    You didn't say what lures you were trying, but for the bigger fish, I would suggest the plastics rigged Texas style and a light slip sinker would be a good bet. And on days when there is cloud cover, or when you fish early morning or late evening, use a buzz bait- the size of the fish that hit them runs to the large sizes usually, but not always. -Hope this helps you somewhat. Good luck and good fishing!

  4. Depends on the location. I have a spot in broward where we pull 5lbers out like its going out of style :)

    What baits are you using?

    Storm chug bugs are great, Charlies 8" purple ribbon worms on a red bullet head work well.

    You need to just try out a variety and work on the conditions everyday will have fish reacting differently

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