
Any Love Experts Out There? :(?

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I recently came back off holiday after meeting a guy, and he gave me his number/msn etc. I had a bf at the time, but broke up with him after realising that i really like this other guy. I was speaking to him for ages, texting etc, and he was being really flirty and giving me the impression that he likes me. I then found out that he has a gf. He's still flirty and lovely, but then sometimes he's just normal. I'm getting so confused with these mixed signals! I think i might actually love him :S. Pleaseeee HELP! Is this just some silly crush? x




  1. I think this guy hasnt any  intention of taking the drastic measure you did and dumping his girlfriend hun... It seems he does like you, but the fact hes giving you mixed signals isnt good.

    If I were you - Id tell him that you actually dumped your fella for him - let him know that you thought he was worth it and that if hes going to end  his relationship with his girlfriend then you two should try a relationship, but if hes going to stay with her you're not going to be available to him


  2. The only advice I can truly give is; you either have to A) talk to him, tell him how you feel and find out how he feels or B) move on.  You cant allow yourself to keep falling for him knowing he has a girlfriend and not knowing how he feels about you.  You are only going to hurt yourself in the end.  Good Luck.    

  3. for me girl, it's just a silly crush? you know why? because you're just riding with the flow with that guy. I mean, you don't love him because, you've just met, and you don't really know him, maybe his intention is to just flirt you. You don't love him! I promise, and if he has girlfriend, it's better for you to take a distance, because if the time comes that, that guy break with his gf, you'll be the reason why, and you may be enter a problem. And you think?that, that guy loves you as you?even though  you've just met. And believe that there is always a karma...goodluck..ALWAYS remember it's nOt's just a a silly crush...and texting is not enough to get to know each other..because everything can be told by text without HONESTY!

  4. I am definitely not a Love Expert but from what I am reading this boy is playing you. If he is treating you this way and he has a girlfriend imagine yourself in his girlfriend's place.

    I doubt that you love him. It is most likely a crush. Some guys have that "gift for gab" as it is called and it is obvious that this one does. It's a game guys like to play. He is not sincere and can't be trusted as I am sure his girlfriend can attest to. You would not want to be in her shoes because I am sure she knows him well and puts up with his how do I put this nicely, c**p. Some gals like this type of guy. I don't think you do. You want a nice guy, not a boy trying to grow up. Maybe he will in about 10 years.

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