
Any Massage Therapists out there? How do you like your job?

by  |  earlier

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Tomorrow, I'm going to visit the institute that I may join for the next 7 months. Just wondering if there are any tips, suggestions or warnings you could provide? Either for school OR the job, itself. I live in an area where they're greatly needed. Thank you!




  1. i had considered a career in the massage therapy field until a friend told me that most therapists eventually have to stop this kind of work after a while because it takes a toll on your fingers, joints and muscles. i would still go for it but keep in mind the long term effects of this kind of work.-blurey

  2. My soon to be husbands mother is one and she loves it. Always busy and she said the work place it great and the staff is so nice. She also said you get to meet a lot of interesting people.  The down side to it is you have to stand for a long time. Which I know i wouldn't be able to do.  Just  pay attention and you'll do fine.

    Good luck I know I wouldn't be able to do it.

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