
Any Medicinal uses for Molasses?

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  1. It has a very high osmolarity, so it's a very effective anti sceptic as if you put bacteria around it, it will cause osmotic pressure to suck all the water out of the bacteria and hence kill them.

  2. Used in insect spray together with hydrogen peroxide.  

    As a hair tonic - to darken hair.

    Mixed with water for easing pain in joints. For upset stomach a mixture of molasses and ginger.

    For hiccups a mixture of molasses and pepper.

    To alleviate ear-ache - a mixture of molasses & vinegar.

    To help laryngitis take a mixture of molasses, vinegar & lemon juice.

    As a worm medicine - a mixture of molasses and gunpowder.  

    As a worm medicine - a mixture of molasses and cabbage.  In the treatment of exzema - 2 teaspoons of molasses in milk twice a day.  

    As a treatment of baldness - massage molasses into the scalp.  

    As a chest rub - molasses, butter and vinegar.  

    As a chest rub - molasses and ginger.

    As a chest rub - molasses and kerosene!!!! Never near an open flame. Can you say flambay??

    As a chest rub - molasses and linament.

    As a cold medicine - molasses and kerosene by mouth. Not recommended.  

    To treat constipation - two teaspoons of molasses as needed.

    To aid healing - molasses and myrrh on a bandage.

    To treat intestinal worms - molasses and flaxseed oil.  

    As a cough syrup - molasses, horehound, wild cherry bark, mullun. To assist breathing - molasses and mustard poultice applied to chest.

    Molasses mixed with soap to form a paste in the treatment of boils.  

    Molasses & ginger to ease stomach upsets.

    It has been reported that a Tablespoon of molasses daily will prevent prostate cancer.

    A daily dosage of Molasses in a cup of warm water promotes 'regularity' of the bowels.  

    Apply as a soothing cover for minor burns.  

    It has been reported that some Doctors use molasses & milk as the main ingredient for enemas in hospital. LOL just to name a few.

    Check Cosby's molasses home page for other uses. they named 126.

  3. If you think about it, all over the counter cold medicines are based on molasses and other older remedies, including with vapor rub - etc.

    They have added a few medicinal ingredients, which have been recently proven to work extremely poorly or not at all in clinical studies - once again old fashioned natural medicine wins out!

  4. Molasses is highly nutritious and full of iron.  We use it as a sweetener for oatmeal or as a substitute for sugar when baking bread.  Be sure the molasses you buy is "blackstrap" and "organic" to be sure you are getting the best quality ingredients.

  5. heres a site check it out...

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