
Any Moving Tips? or should i be packing yet?

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I am moving from my apartment to a townhouse.. about 5 minutes from where i live now... i am not moving until the 30th.. should i start packin yet? or should i pack at all? should i just move it all in one day? and tips or advice please/




  1. It is never too soon to start packing.  You can pack seasonal clothes that you will not be using now.  Pack the car with boxes you may be able to talk to the present residents of the townhouse to see if you can use a spare room or garage to store your packed boxes.  But yes by all means pack what you can now. Get rid of what you do not want or need have a yard sale, donate stuff. It is amazing what clutter we can acquire over the years and not realize it.

  2. i say start packing now, so you won't feel rushed when the big day arrives...but pack your kitchen stuff last...and take what ever groceries are in your fridge and freezer last as well...this also allows you time to go through your things that you will no longer keep to either throw away or donate or sell if able to...good luck!

  3. You should be throwing away right now.  Pitch anything you don't really need.  Old clothes, trash, books, magazines, shoes, presents from Aunt Marge that you never used...  anything and everything should be considered.

    Then you should be collecting boxes, and start packing.  If you're not going to need it between now and moving day, pack it.  Label the boxes to show what room they go in at the new place, and list the contents.  It will make unpacking a lot easier.

    Start a list of who to notify - banks, credit unions, insurance agents, doctors, dentists, optometrists, family, friends, schools, the gas company, power company, phone company, magazine subscriptions, work, clubs, spas, the DMV, any professional or social groups you belong to...

    Get any prescriptions refilled NOW instead of about moving day.  If you run out a day or three on either side of the move, you may have a hard time getting it refilled easily.

    Create a bailout box or two.  It should contain prescriptions and OTC meds that you might take.  Be sure to include aspirin or tylenol - you'll want it.  Also, stuff in:  paper towels, paper plates and cups, plastic silverware, toilet paper, and maybe a change of underwear and socks.  A pad of paper and 3-4 pens/pencils.  Basically, anything that you might want to have on hand without having to dig through 30 identical boxes to find it - and enough of it to keep you functional for a couple of days as you start unpacking.  

    Get some extra cash a day or so before hand.  You'll need it to tip the guys driving the moving truck.  If you do the entire move yourself or with friends, you'll need it to buy pizza and beer for them.  You won't be cooking that first day or two, trust me.

    When you get there, just stack stuff in the room it belongs in - don't try to unpack now - you want to get the truck emptied and out of there.  You can unpack afterwards.  Designate one room or area as the catch-all place, where boxes that you didn't get around to marking get put.  

    Unpack the 3 most important rooms first - kitchen, bathroom, and then bedroom.  Then work your way through the other rooms, then the catch-all pile.

  4. yeah, start packing now. Things you don't need...

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