
Any Ouija board Tips?

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I just got an Oujia board. Are There any does and don'ts for it? and how should I use it?





    2. start with questions that requirs Yes or No as an answer.

    3. be respective, Dont curse or make fun of the board.

    4. use a silver coin, if u did bad spirits can't/wont asnwer ur questions only good ones will.

    5. DO NOT ask the ouija to move something across ur room, if u did, that will open a portal for it and it will come to our world.

    6. when done playing, ask it if u can leave, if it went to No, dont stop playing, if it went to Yes, say thanks and slid the coin to GoodBye (if it didn't slid itself).

    7. if the board is possed with an evil spirit, any time u play it that evil spirit will answer any question.

    8. to get rid of possed boards, tear it down to 7 pieces and wash it with holy water and burry it.

    9. Dont ask it about three things:

    1. about God.

    2. about a hidden treasure.

    3. when ur going to die. (its nt cool if it told u in 6 months and u would be so scared for a whole 6 months and then nothing will happen).

    play it, have fun and get lil creept out! lol

  2. OMG! i love them.

    make sure you always ask if the person you are talking to is a devil.

    if it is blow on the cursor and the board.

    you can ask to talk to your gurdian angel and you can name it too!

    you can even talk to the real god. but make sure you say the REAL one tho.

    i had him throw a lolipop out of my mouth (eyes shut) IT WORKED! i had my gurdian angel throw shoes off of the shoe rack (it worked)

    you can talk to people who died and stuff.

    they can read your shirt and tell you your full name and stuff about you.

    some times they can tell you some about your future.

    one time i left out some skittles for my gurdian angel and in the morning they were gone.

    i asked him if he look them and he said yes.

    and for all your people who are saying to burn it and stuff, your not fun.

    theres a lot you can do with it and it is so fun but be careful ok. lol.


  3. Just be happy or you will bring negative energy and if its goes through the numbers or goest to all four corners of the board you contacted a evil spirit.  Your so lucky i dont know were to get them :(

    Does anyone know a shop that sells them in Wigan or a shop that is in most towns e.g Argos (In England) I dont really care what type i just want one. I made my own which didnt work but i heard some strange stuff for a while afterwards.

  4. Just make sure you don't lose your receipt. And dont lose anything, the store will need it back when youre done. Its a board game, youre not going to get anything from it.

  5. Burn It.

  6. Do's and Dont's in Ghost Hunting!

    1- Keep a clear head. This means no alcohol consumption or use of any controlled dangerous substances.

    2- No smoking. The possibility of it being photographed and mistaken for ectoplasm is high. In addition, if you're too busy inhaling that acrid tobacco smoke, your nose is dead to any paranormal smells you might encounter.

    3- Don't trespass. Always have permission to conduct an investigation.

    4- Don't jump to conclusions. You always want to make sure you consider all possible explanations, natural or otherwise.

    5- Be open-minded. If you think there are no ghosts, then obviously for you, there won't be. Skeptics bring negative energy that could compromise an investigation.

    6- Research. Always make sure you try to find some information on the place you are investigating before you investigate. The history of a place, be it a town or a single home, can shed some light on why a place may be having paranormal activity.

    7- Either remove the camera strap or wear it around your neck. It's amazing how many times camera straps have been mistaken for ghostly photos. In keeping with that theme, make sure long hair is pulled back, and all fingers are away from the camera lens. Simple, but important.

    8- Make sure all of your equipment is in perfect working condition. Dust and dirt buildup can cause problems. It saves you money overall to maintain clean equipment.

    9- Bring a flashlight with extra batteries. You never know when that flashlight, camera, recorder, scanner, (you see where I'm going) is going to run out of juice.

    10-Bring along a notebook so you can write down your observations. It is also a good idea to keep a log of your investigations. I recommend keeping track of moon phases, weather and solar weather.

    11- Never go alone. Having more than one person insures that nothing will (hopefully) go unnoticed. It is also good to compare notes on an investigation and because you have more to fear from the living, there is safety in numbers.

    12- Write down your observations before sharing them. This insures that your story is not subconsciously altered by what someone else tells you.

    13- In cold weather, hold your breath while taking a photo. I've seen so many photos of "Ectoplasm" that was nothing more than breath in cold air.

    14- Do not take photos while walking or driving along a dirt road or path. This can lead to photos of dust particles and not orbs.

    15. Do not take photos in rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain, or fog. It may also be a good idea to keep track of the pollen count in spring and summer and avoid photos when the count is high.

    16- Remember you are out there to record paranormal activity and to have fun. But DO NOT be disrespectful in areas such as graveyards or old buildings. No horseplay or loud obnoxious behavior.

    17-Remember, this is not YOUR home.

    18- No Ouija boards

    19- Talk to the spirits and ask for their permission to take their photo. I also try to explain that I'm not there to be disrespectful but that I am trying to understand them.

    20- Do not take photographs with the camera pointing directly at the sun. This can create "Sun Dogs" (hexagon shapes) that are sometimes mistaken for orbs. This will also create "Sun Flares" where the red lines in your picture may occur that are confused for spirit energy.

    21- Do not wear any cologne or perfume on any investigation due to you will need your sense of smell to determine if there may be a spirit or entity near by.

    22-Don't take photos of reflective surfaces. This would include mirrors, glass windows, and even still pools of water.

  7. Don't mess with it. You could be opening portals you don't know how to close.

  8. There are no particular do's and don'ts for using a ouija board.  Setting an eerie atmosphere might add to the ambience - candles, incense, etc.  The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using the ouija board make it work.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards and how to use them.  

  9. Get ready to be demon possessed.  You are opening yourself up for attacks from demons

  10. Leave it in the box. Disturbing spirits is not wise, in my opinion. People no longer in this world may have many tasks that should not be interrupted. I would never say the name of a departed person, especially when ringing a bell or attempting to conjure them with other things.

  11. This game is not full of do's... its all don'ts......

  12. Get rid of it !!!  Nothing good ever comes from using the ouija board !!!!!

  13. Don't eat toast and marmite near it, beacause if you drop some on the board, the little roller gets sticky.

  14. Ouija board is a board from Milton Bradeley isn't?

    Honestly the whole reason those things works is because of your subconcious.

    You can make yourself believe whatever you want through your subconcious like living in a house someone died in and thinking it's haunted.

    I believe in a spirtual world but a cheap game from people who make toys isn't one of them.

    Have fun though.

  15. There is just one rule,  BURN IT!!!!!!

  16. Here's a tip for you:

    Don't F*ck with it!

  17. well its a very good idea to get the name of the spirit/deamon thats your channelling so that would be the best idea to ask that question first.

    dont drop anyones blood on the cup or the board r prepare for a "splitting" headache...ewwww!


    the amount of times that people fail to do that is honestly annoying...not to mention the end results are pretty violent and messy.

    if your going to mess with the unknown do it PROPERLY!

  18. Make sure it's a genuine board (not one u can pick up @ any department store, they suck). I went to a spiritual shop in Salem. Never talk to the spirits by yourself!!! You have a possibility of being possessed. Always say good-bye when you are finished.

  19. wow good luck  i wouldnt do it if i were you  

  20. I've always wanted to try it but thats because I would like to see how well it works. If you want it just for a game I wouldnt risk it, many people have had some strange experiences with it. Just be safe and be careful. Take care.

  21. Hey, Pablito,

    The Ouija board has a bad reputation for being associated with evil spirits. To have and use this board game in your house is inviting trouble like you have never imagined.  Burn it, or get prepared for a lot of sleepless nights, and freak accidents. Once these evil spirits get established in your house it will be very difficult to remove them.

    Fare ye well.
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