
Any Place Where Has No Earthquake?

by Guest65794  |  earlier

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Anywhere on this planet that has no earthquake?




  1. well everywhere u go there is going to be something, earthquakes, hurricanes and tornados so everywhere u go their is always something going on.

  2. There's all kinds of places, but each place has its own dangers. People in my area deal with hurricanes rather than earthquakes.

  3. germany and switzerland have had the lowest amount of seismic movement but scientists believe that everyplace on earth has experienced an "earthquake"

  4. florida but it has hurricanes and tornadoes

  5. alot of places. I.E the east coast

    I live in philly. Never have expirenced an earthqauke in my life.

  6. definatly not california.

  7. The East Coast / New England has very little ones that feels like a large truck drove by but that's it.

  8. Poland.

  9. AFRICA.



  10. Ontario. It also rarely gets tornado's and like never gets hurricanes.

  11. earthquakes can occur pretty much anywhere. major ones usually occur on plate boundaries

  12. Ireland don't get anything noticeable... but I'm sure there's earthquakes all over the world on at least tiny scale...

  13. many places. i don't think the midwest has earthquakes, or big ones. but they do have other natural disasters. tornadoes.

  14. Philly

  15. try this out

  16. Generally anywhere in England. ESP. South East.

  17. I live in Alberta, Canada.  I don't believe earthquakes are of a concern in this neck of the woods.

  18. Mostly Los Angeles but today there was a small one maybe because of the eclispe that's gonna happen.It won't happen in a while I guess.

  19. unfortunately there isn't a place that is spared from earthquakes...a natural event...

  20. erm....UK...has tiny earthquakes...verry rare though...

  21. everywhere except california, japan, china, parts of europe. there are some others but those are the majors.

  22. look at a map of the earths plates move to the middle of a plate not the edge.  But bad things do happen to every one.

  23. Indiana(yawn!).

  24. In general, the further you get from the meeting of the tectonic plates, the less seismic activity there is. I learned in an oceanography class that earthquakes have been known to occur in the middle of the country as well. California has been known to have so many earthquakes because we are situated on top of a joining of two tectonic plates. Whew! All that said, there are few places that do not have the potential for earthquakes. Most faults are inactive, and the threat for activity is miniscule, but nonetheless, the threat is still there. I believe Kansas had an earthquake a few years back.

  25. wrong to the first person who answered....every place in the world has earthquakes....the just so small and weak that they cant be felt by humans. most earthquakes deep inland of land are level 1 on the scale. it takes it to be level 3 to have it be felt by humans. the continent of n. and s. america move 13inches a year and the other side of the world moves 18inches a year. eventually n. america will collide with asia and s. america with asia and australlia. in about 4 million year the world will slowly rotate back to its original position of pangea...but that will take about 15 million years

  26. Technically there are earthquakes everywhere, but they only have significant damage in the areas by techtonic plates, such as california. Such as the fact that there was once an earthquake noticably felt in tennesse.

  27. I'm from Paris, France. I've never heard of any earthquakes there or anywhere in France.

    Earthquakes belongs in SCIFI movies and maybe some Asian countries on the other side of the planet.

    Then I come to USA and hear they have them on the West Coast!

  28. Anywhere can have an earthquake, an earthquake is caused when tectonic plates hit, causing a ripple effect (IE....EarthQuake) the ripples can be bigger or smaller depending on the force exerted. Throw a rock in a puddle or pond, the harder you throw the rock the larger and more out the ripples go. No matter how far away u are from the plates if enough force is let loose the ripples could still travel pretty far. Just some places are closer to the borders of tectonic plates than others.

  29. Yes, lots.  But you would more than likely find things like tornados, hurricanes, wild fires, bitter cold, sweltering heat or any number of natural occurrences instead.  Except here in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Another reason Philly Rocks.

  30. No.  Everywhere on earth is prone to earthquakes.  The difference is in frequency.  Some played may go thousands and thousands of years without one.

  31. I live in Minnesota, and there are no Earthquakes here. It depends upon where you live. But if you follow safety precautions, odds are, nothings gonna land on your head, even if your house has moved six feet when you open your eyes!

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